Chapter Ten

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I grunt a little as I hold onto my head. Feeling a heaviness feeling. I sit up in bed, bed, wait how did I get here? I look around to see I'm in my room, a glass of water with pain meds, and a note on my dresser. As I slowly make my way there, I realize I was still in the tanktop, but now in some sleep shorts.

Hallie, you passed out. We brought you home and Sabrina changed you into shorts. Get rest and maybe the pain meds might work. I'm still new to this thing. If you wake up while I'm still gone, I'm with every one to talk about our plan.

Our plan with how Sabrina will continue and find your anchor. It's some guy that is supposed to keep you from drowning in other people's emotions. It was someone we met recently, if you have an idea let us know. I don't want to see you like this.


Anchor? Someone we met? Keeps me afloat? I have no idea what he means or who he is talking about. I take a couple of pills and water. I go back to my bed and start to pull the covers when a heat flares behind me.

I spin around to see Caliban in what looks like normal clothes. A red shirt and jeans with tennis shoes. "Caliban what—- How?" I start to say as he stands there looking right back at me.

He stands there smirking at me as I feel that flutter again. I rush to my bedroom door and make sure to lock it as I turn back to him. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on the princess." He looks down at me, only having a slight height difference between us. I felt my heart rate pick up a little as he called me princess.

"Do you even know my name? Is that why you keep calling me princess?" I smile as I cross my arms looking up to him.

He glances down for a second, realizing what I had done I quickly put my arms back to my sides. Feeling my blush creep on my cheeks. He smirks as he speaks, "I prefer princess."

"Well, it's Hallie. I'm pretty sure Sabrina would get pissed if you kept calling me that. I know my brother is already planning a speech with Sabrina about my interactions with you in the future." I roll my eyes as I look away from him.

"Your brother," Caliban starts to question, "Is that the one with the brown hair that was trying to hide you?" I nod my head as I remember how he reacted in Hell when we saw Caliban the second time.

"What would Sabrina and your brother be concerned about?" He asks me as he takes a step towards me.

"Well, you know..." I start to say as I look up at him. He continues to take small steps towards me and his smirk is growing as my blush comes back.

"Are they concerned about me, princess?" He asks in a tempting voice and I can feel myself melt a little.

"Not just you..." I whisper as I start to get breathless.

"The two of us are what concerns them." I feel my back hit my door, but Caliban keeps moving forward.

"I think—" I start to say until he stops me by caging me in with his arms. I swear I'm a puddle now.

"My princess. should never be of anyone's concerns but mine." He emphasizes My princess and I feel a little shake in my knees. My eyes fall to his mouth, the sins that it most likely carries.

I can feel my chest rise and fall slowly, but my heartbeat is pounding into my ears. He must be able to hear it. My eyes are locked on his lips and they slowly move into the smirk that kills me and brings me back to life every time.

I hear the screen door to the house fly open and close. It causes me to fall back into reality as I start to push Caliban away from my door. "You have to go now. I think that might be Harvey." I whisper to Caliban as I keep pushing him away.

Caliban grabs onto my wrists and pulls me a little as I collide with his chest. My eyes shoot upwards to meet his gaze as his eyebrows furrow. Concern has taken over his features, the playfulness long gone. "I came to check on you. That's why I was here."

He lets go of my left wrist moving his hand to my chin. Holding onto it he keeps my gaze as I feel my body relax into this calming wave. It's as if all my worries and pain from today vanished into thin air. I start to search his eyes, for some reason looking for an answer.

"How did you—-" I start to say before Harvey's voice from the other side of the house interrupts me, causing me to turn away from Caliban to respond to my brother. "I woke up a little while ago, give me a sec" I yell at the door. I feel heat behind me and turn back around to see Caliban already gone as if he were never here.

What was that? I can't help but ask myself. I start to wonder how Caliban knew about what happened earlier. He must have somehow known I passed out. Why else would he come to visit me? I shake the feeling away as I decide to get updates from Harvey about everything. 

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