Chapter One

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 I run through the halls ignoring the teachers who yell at me to slow down. I run into the classroom right after the bell rings. Panting heavily and smiling as I walk over to my brother and his friends.

I hear Roz say to Sabrina "---- sign up for cheerleading with me and Hallie."

I jump right next to Harvey as I smile over to Sabrina and nod my head still out of breath from running. Harvey chuckles as he throws an arm around me.

Sabrina looks between us squinting at the idea, "You're not serious?"

"Why not? I mean, we're sixteen, we love to dance, and I mean it can't be hell all the time." Roz responds as she says the last sentence whispering.

"It's not all hell. It's all Nick." Sabrina tells us, for probably the millionth time.

We all hear heels clicking and making their way into the room. As we start to move to our seats I mutter to my group.

"This ass was meant to be in one of those uniforms," I say as I wiggle my butt in front of Sabrina. She laughs and smacks it then pushes me to the side. Muttering how much of a weirdo I am.

"Ms. Wardwell, you're back." I hear Billy say. We all turn to see her standing in the front of the class. You can see how fear has now taken a permanent place on her face.

"Indeed, Mr. Marlin, after some much-needed time off." She responds. I take my seat in front of Theo behind Billy. "Not as principal anymore, but to teach. Mr. Garland informed me that lately, you have been focusing on epic poetry. Beowulf, I believe."

I stare at her as I tap Billy on the shoulder holding my hand out waiting for my gum. He turns around as I smirk at him. Ignoring the rest of what Wardwell talks about. Billy rolls his eyes as he hands me my gum, I smile and pop it into my mouth.

I look at my friends as I notice their faces turned in concern. They get their books out and I follow them as we continue class.

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