Chapter Nine

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We all stand in the throne room again. Lilith on the hideous throne, "Infernal Court, I bid you welcome." I hear a unison all-hail kings. I continue to stare at the hideous-looking supposed kings that got here not long ago. Roz keeps whispering in my ear not to stare but I can't help it. It's part of my nosiness.

"The City of Pandemonium has an honored guest. May I present to the hordes, Sabrina Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer Morningstar."

"Yeah Go, Sabrina!" I scream and start clapping. Everyone's eyes stare at me as my clapping slows down, realizing I'm the only one with this reaction.

Lilith rolls her eyes at me and continues. "In his absence, she has come to officially declare me Queen of Hell." The demons start to murmur some objections, but Lilith continues. "Isn't that right, Sabrina?"

"Yes, that's right," Sabrina speaks up

"This is treason! Heresy." One of the ugly ass kings speaks in this demonic voice. Oh yeah, no questions about him being a demon. I think to myself. "Lilith is a concubine, not a queen. We do not recognize her" One speaks up.

"Oop. Got you there." I mutter, earning another elbow to my side from my brother. I glare at him, hoping he can feel my desire to burn him with my stare.

"----They all reject Lilith's claim to the throne." One of the demons continues speaking.

"And who do you propose would rule?" Lilith glares at them with annoyance written all over her face.

The kings start to smile and give an eerie laugh as the doors to the throne room open again. "All hail Caliban, Prince of Hell." One of them says. "Molded from the clay of the pit itself. Native son of the inferno, born to restore and rule our dark domain."

In walks the hot guy from the beach. "Shit, I didn't know he was the bad guy. But I should've known with my track record." I whisper to myself. I feel another elbow from the opposite side of where Roz stands. I glare at Roz for this continued abuse.

"Hello again." He says to Sabrina. His eyes then fall over to me, "Princess." he smirks at me and I feel that same feeling. I can't help but let a giggle pass me. As soon as I hear it I slap my hand over my mouth. He continues to stare at me as I hold his gaze.

Harvey and Roz both move to stand in front of me as Theo pulls me a step back to be by him. Sabrina looks over to us probably confused by my outburst giggle. Which I have never made a sound like that before, ever in my entire life.

"What is this?" I hear Lilith say.

"This is salvation." Hot dude, I mean, Caliban responds. "Since the Dark Lord's desertion, the Nine Circles of Hell have been breaking down. I, Caliban, will restore stability and do what Lucifer failed to do...." I look over Roz's shoulder to see him. "Conquer the Earth. Remake it as our tenth circle and enslave the tribes of mortal and witch."

Caliban looked over to where I stood. We make eye contact and my flutter happens again. "Well maybe not all mortals" He mutters keeping his stare, he then winks at me and I hear a squeak. My bodyguards look over their shoulders at me, Shit. That mouse was me, wasn't it?

"Tenth? Isn't nine circles enough?" Sabrina whispers

"This is a coup detat. We'll lose everything." Lilith whispers back to Sabrina.

"No, we won't," Sabrina speaks up. I quickly look at her and get the uneasy feeling back from earlier today. Harvey reaches behind and grabs onto my hand squeezing it to let him know he can sense me. The entire room starts to murmur. "I am Sabrina Morningstar, and that throne is mine by blood and by birth."

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