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As Derek and Odette return to their kingdom, Justin and Max step outside while Alex stays behind to study the items they gathered. The boys notice a wanted poster with two familiar faces on it.

"Is that Anton and Ember?" Asked Justin. "Oh my gosh, you're right! What do we do?" Asked Max. "Guys, you won't believe it!" Said Alex as she rushes outside. "What's wrong, Alex?" Justin asked. "I just read that the items Derek and Odette were asked to gather are something you use for a ritual!" Alex said. "And we just found out Anton and Ember are wanted criminals!" Max said.

Alex gasps. "This is insane!" She said in shock. "You can say that again, sis! What do those two want with Derek and Odette anyway?" Asked Max "Whatever it is, something tells me it's not good." Said Justin. "Then we better stop them from bringing the items to Anton and Ember, come on!" Said Alex.

The Russos immediately start running to Chamberg to warn the king and queen about what they learned. "Derek, Odette, stop!! Don't do it!!!" Justin yelled. "It's a trick!!" Alex yelled. "Anton and Ember are evil!!" Max yelled. But Derek and Odette were too far away.

"Guys, it's no use, they can't hear us!" Said Alex. "Now what do we do?" Asked Justin. "I know, let's spy on them and see what happens once they hand over the items!" Said Max. His siblings nod in agreement, then they continue their way to the castle. Once they've arrived, they find a hiding place to spy on the criminals.


"Ember and Anton, we've found the items you requested. Water, salt, and strands of our hair." Said Derek. "What do you want us to do now?" Asked Odette. The mysterious couple exchanges a wicked glance with each other. "Ah, we're both very pleased. Now look deep into our eyes and relax if you please." Said Ember. "King Derek, look at me. And, Queen Odette, at Ember." Said Anton.

Both Derek and Odette try to react to what's going on, but can't get their words out since they're both stuck in an eye lock with Anton and Ember. After a minute of looking in their eyes, the two collapse. Ember and Anton, however, are still standing.

It's official, Derek and Odette have been tricked into performing a ritual that allows them to switch bodies with the mysterious couple who happens to be evil.

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