Healing Potion (Finale)

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The Apartment

Odette sadly looks down at her unconscious sister and brother in-law while waiting for Derek to get back. Memories play in her mind as she sings to herself.

Think of me everyday
Hold tight to what I say
And I'll be close to you
Even from far away

Know that wherever you are
It is never too far
If you think of me
I'll be with you

Know that wherever you are
It is never too far
If you think of me
I'll be with you

Right on cue, the Russos come rushing in. "We're back!" Said Max. "Are Ember and Anton gone?" Asked Odette. "Yep, the police locked them up, and we don't have to worry about those sneaky tricksters anymore." Said Justin. "But where's Derek?" Asked Alex.

Just as the middle Russo said his name, Derek comes back. "I'm right here." He said. "Do you have it?" Odette asked. "Have what?" Justin asked. "A friend of ours is a master at potions, so I went to ask him to make one for Amanda and Paul to revive them." Said Derek. "Will it work?" Alex asked. "It did last time when Derek got hit by a poison dart himself." Said Odette. "Alright, let's do it then." Max said.

Derek slowly approaches the unconscious figures of Amanda and Paul. He first pours some of the potion into Amanda's mouth. She wakes up in a matter of minutes, only to see her siblings looking down at her. "It worked!" Said Alex excitedly. "Amanda, you're finally awake!" Odette said excitedly. She wraps her sister into a tight hug, then Derek does the same thing afterwards. Even the Russos happily hug their friend.

"Are you alright?" Derek asked. "Yeah. Where are Anton and Ember?" Asked Amanda. "They're in jail already, we don't have to worry about them anymore." Said Max. "Ah, good." Amanda said. "Now to give the rest of the potion to Paul." Said Justin.

There was just enough antidote left to finish the job, so Derek pours the rest into Paul's mouth. He wakes up a minute later and sees everyone in the room looking down at him.

"You okay, Paulie?" Asked Amanda. "I think so." Said Paul. He sits up and rubs his eyes. "Ember and Anton are in custody, by the way." Max said. "Apparently those two were wanted all across the country." Justin said. "And now that they've been caught, we don't have to worry about them anymore." Alex said.

Derek and Odette each take turns hugging Paul, then the Russos do the same thing. This day was definitely the craziest of the new year so far, but there's still more of 1965 to come.

Starting off with the sneaky crooks, Anton and Ember, tricking Derek and Odette into doing a ritual that makes them switch bodies, then Amanda and Paul get shot by poison darts as an act of revenge. But now that the two tricksters have been caught, they never again bothered our gang of heroes.

The End

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