"Yes! I was right!" Gyuvin whispered to himself. Hao pretended to not hear the words that had left his mouth and sighed, running a hand through his hair to fix it up. "Thanks for finally admitting that." Gyuvin smiled, turning to face Hao.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Get to class before I write you up." Hao threatened meaninglessly. Both Hao and Gyuvin knew he'd never do anything like that, so it was useless to say, but the older male wanted to utilize his abilities more often. Threatening Gyuvin was one way to do just that.

"Woah! So scary." Gyuvin held his hands up with a shocked face that dropped almost as soon as it had appeared. "See you tomorrow, Hao-Hao." he patted the older's shoulder roughly and began jogging to his next class before Hao even had a chance to say goodbye.


Gyuvin pushed open the doors to the gymnasium carefully, not wanting to make his entrance a big deal. Unfortunately for him, Hanbin ended up noticing him right when he walked in the door, and he, to say the least, made it a big deal.

"Here comes the star of the show, Kim Gyuvin!" Hanbin made jazz hands toward the entrance, where Gyuvin was standing awkwardly. He waited for Hanbin to put his hands down before bowing from where he stood, walking to the center of the court not too long after.

"Finally, the dozen is here," Ricky muttered lowly. His words didn't go unheard by Gunwook who gasped loudly in an offended manner, almost as if he were the one being insulted.

"Okay! Everyone, let's just do some warm-ups and practice throws for the upcoming game. We'll have to go full-out, especially with a new player." Hanbin spoke with a loud, clear voice that resonated throughout the entire gymnasium. What an icon.

"Yes!" Everyone spoke in harmony. Surprisingly, Gyuvin was able to respond in sync with everyone else. That made him feel a little bit better about being the newbie on the team if anything.

"Alright, let's get started!" Hanbin blew a whistle that he wore around his neck. To be honest, Gyuvin hadn't noticed that he had a whistle until just now. Gyuvin shrugged it off and walked over to the ball-bin, picking up a ball cautiously.

Ricky looked over at Gyuvin wearily, touching his nose instinctively to protect it from impending harm. Gyuvin noticed the other's cautiousness and walked over to him slowly to reassure him.

"Don't worry, sunbaenim. I won't hurt you again!" Gyuvin put a thumbs up with the one free hand that he had and rocked a neat smile to really sell his innocent front. Ricky gave Gyuvin a weirded-out look before mentally reevaluating what he had said.

"Stop calling me Sunbaenim," he spoke sternly, facing away from Gyuvin to save face. Gyuvin tilted his head at the words and tried thinking of something to say in response.

"What do I call you then? Hyung?"

Well, that certainly set off a bomb in Ricky's head.

"God, no!" Ricky screeched, dropping the ball he was holding out of a mixture of shock, disgust, and fear. He looked at Gyuvin as though he had murdered his entire family and threatened him with bankruptcy. Needless to say, this caught the attention of basically everyone in the room.

"What do I call you then?! Tell me!" Gyuvin whined, dropping the ball he was holding to mirror Ricky's behavior, something he did extremely often as of late. "If I can't call you sunbae or hyung, what can I call you?"

"I–" Ricky appeared stumped by Gyuvin's words, genuinely using his brain cells to come up with an answer that didn't sound stupid.

"Whatever, fine, call me hyung. Just... don't do that in public." Ricky pointed a finger at Gyuvin who almost jumped into the air and began flying at the newfound information. He was getting somewhere!

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