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But all your makeup's running

Upon awakening the next day, Alana was greeted with a painful and throbbing headache; the king of headache that made you want the bed to swallow you whole. On top of this, her stomach seemed to feel empty and full at the same time, giving her some horrendous nausea along with her mouth feeling dryer than the Sahara desert.

But absolutely none of this compared to the wincing pain of remembering what happened last night. What were they thinking? They didn't even like each other, they couldn't have a single conversation that didn't end in an argument.

Well, except for last night, that one definitely did not end in an argument.

Besides that, Alana needed paracetamol and a very tall glass of ice cold water and she needed it now. Slowly and weakly, she turned herself around in bed to face Jay only to be greeted with complete emptiness. That was strange, Alana was always awake at least half an hour before Jay and considering how much they drank, she'd expect him to sleep in.

"Jay? can you bring me some paracetamol?" She called out from bed, only answered by her own echo. With that, the entirety of her hangover was completely gone. The girl rolled out of bed and paced around the apartment, Jay was no where to be seen.

"What the fuck?" She whispered to herself after checking the bathroom, the boy had disappeared into thin air and for some strange, fucked up reason, it felt like a dagger to the stomach for Alana.

'Maybe he went out to get breakfast' she tried to convince herself but she knew deep down that wasn't true, all of his things were gone. He had pumped and dumped her. I mean what was she expecting, a guy like that? Of course that was what he was going to do, she knew it from the start and she let it happen anyway.

Alana brushed off the thought and decided to just focus on moving back into her room, which disappointingly only took her around an hour and before she knew it, she was back in her apartment. For a second she felt a rush of enjoyment, finally her own space, she didn't have to constantly be around that big, fat ogre of a man.

But it was very swiftly followed by a wave of emptiness, maybe she liked his company more than she'd like to admit. She tried to keep herself ready, she unpacked all her things, did a load of washing, made banana bread, restocked her pantry and even properly organised her clothes drawers, but nothing she did could bring the same enjoyment and satisfaction as before. All she could hear was the lonely silence of being completely isolated from the world, and it completely consumed her. So she decided to do what she does best and go to sleep at 6pm.

1 week later 

It was a cool Saturday morning, the birds were chirping and the streets were filled with the classic hustle and bustle of New York City. Alana was enjoying a croissant with butter and jam she'd baked the day before when there was a quiet knock on the door. She was still feeling a little gloomy about the whole Jay situation, but she knew it wouldn't last forever and there was no way she was going to make that man feel like she gave a shit about any of it.

The brunette quickly opened the door and looked down, seeing a small brown package on the floor. Guess the post-man had been. As Alana bent down to pick it up she heard the door next to her click and suddenly pull open, she backed into her apartment but refused to shut the door just yet.

A small girl with messy dirty-blonde hair and bright blue eyes stepped out, shutting the door behind her. She was sporting a black strappy mini dress and was holding a pair of sparkly silver heels in her hand along with a gold-chain black bag. The girl quickly ushered herself down the hall, ignoring Alana staring her down completely. 

Punching Bag / JSchlattWhere stories live. Discover now