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It's just you're making me think...

In the meanwhile, Schlatt was in the midst of appearing on one of Tommy's streams after a few hours of begging. Tommy had started a new SMP and had been pleading with Schlatt to join for a while now and finally, he gave in. He was on a call with Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur and Jack Manifold. Not his usual posse but they all got along fine. Suddenly, his phone started ringing; this was unusual since he tends to leave his phone on silent when streaming.

Unknown number

He pressed decline and placed it back down. It rung again, declined again.

"Schlatt, who keeps calling you?" Wilbur asked curiously. Schlatt let out an arrogant burp.

"Your mother, she wants to know if I'll have phone sex with her again tonight." It started ringing again, either spam caller or crazed fan. He decided to take his chances and muted his mic, pressing answer.

"Hello?" He said.

"Jay?" A woman's voice came from the phone, she was almost whispering, sounding scared or upset.

"Who is this?" He was hoping some obsessive ex begging for him back, unfortunately, he didn't have many of these, so chances are it was some weird fan.

"Alana." Again, no clue.

"Alana, look if this is some prank call shit-" He started his rant.

"Your neighbour?" She added, sounding a little annoyed. Schlatt did a double take, squeezing his eyes shut to make sure he was thinking straight. Why on earth was his bitchy next-door neighbour calling him at this time of night, it was nearly 3 in the morning.

"Oh, what do you want." He didn't like Alana very much, he didn't like her at all. He was done trying with her and was seeking a reason to leave the call as soon as possible.

"Are you like, in bed or busy or anything?" There was no way this girl was asking him for a hookup or something, absolutely no way. He began pacing around his room.

"Uh, no not really, why." He was surprised she even kept his number by the way she reacted when he gave it to her.

"Could you do me a huge favour, I promise I'll pay you back I'm just in a bit of a predicament right now." By now Schlatt had realised Alana slurring her words and taking loud quick breaths in between sentences. The girl was sloshed.

"I guess, depends what it is." He wasn't interested in executing her any favours really, he was actually building up to deny whatever she was about to ask, even getting a bit excited thinking about it. Finally, he'd get her back.

"Can you pick me up from this club?" She said quickly.

"Dude, Do you actually think-" He started his rejection, ready to flame her ass, entitled bitch.

"Yes I know what your thinking okay and yes I know I've been an absolute bitch and I know I don't deserve any favours right now okay but I'm stranded at this stupid fucking club." Her voice slowly became higher and more strained as she spoke as if she was about to cry, "And there's this guy and he won't leave me alone and he won't let me leave and he's fucking fed me drinks all night just to suddenly reveal he's been drinking fucking 0% beer and now I'm hiding in the toilet and I'm fucking scared okay!" There was a small silence, "Please dude I promise I'll pay you back." Schlatt thought about it for a second, he could still say no I mean she did deserve it, but there was no way he could live with the guilt if something happened to her.

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