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Of all our conversations missing their link.

"C'mon boozer, you need to get in bed." Schlatt said, practically dragging the poor drunkard girl back to her room after a short silent car ride. There is nothing that he wouldn't rather be doing right now, but at least the whole situation was almost done with and he could get back to speaking to his mates. The pair made their way to the rooms before stopping outside.

"Okay bye." Schlatt hushed, opening the door to get back in before the girl winced slightly, inviting the brunette's attention.

"Jay..." she said, dragging the word out. She possessed an awkward, embarrassed look on her face. He concealed his disappointment as he turned back around.

"What?" He replied bluntly, leaning his shoulder against the door frame.

"I think i left my purse at the club..." she dragged it out once more, asking a very distinct question Schlatt didn't want to have to answer, Who did this girl think she was.

"You're kidding." He said bluntly once again, wanting to run into his apartment, slam the door behind him and completely forget about this poor stranded girl.

"Could you just come to the lobby with me and see if i can get another key? I think I'm too drunk to go alone." The petite girl said, staring down at the floor in embarrassment. Now not only did her neighbour think she was a bitch but also a dumbass loser.

"The lobby shuts at midnight."

"Oh..." Alana didn't positively know what she was expecting now. Her mind raced, she knew no one who lived nearby here, she had nowhere to go, and she was drunk out of her mind. There was a momentary pause.

"C'mon." Schlatt said in annoyance, also staring down at the floor. He unfastened his door and stepped beside the doorway, signalling her to come in.

"What?" The drunken girl asked.

"You can crash here for the night." Without a word, she gave him a small 'Thank you' look before entering and turning back to look at him. Schlatt let out a harsh sigh of annoyance before shutting the door behind him, staring down at the slight girl in front of him. After getting the girl changed, fed and into his bed, meaning he'd have to resort to the couch, he finally managed to get back to the stream.

"How was the woman fucking Schlatt?" Tommy delivered the moment he was back, Wilbur let out a little giggle as Schlatt let out yet another harsh sigh.

"Dude, you would not believe the night I've had." His voice was gruff as a whisper, not wanting to wake the girl and definitely not wanting to see her ghastly temper if she awoke and discovered him chatting shit about her.

The next morning, Alana found herself enraptured in a cloud of warm grey sheets and gently sat herself up only to fall back into bed as soon as she opened her eyes, feeling like she'd had one of those cartoon pianos fall on her head. After a few moments of consideration, she carefully sat herself up, gradually adjusting her eyes to the sudden light and twisting herself out of bed. Once her vision was clear, she came to the quick realisation that her sheets were white, not grey. Where the fuck was she?

Just to add to her confusion, she looked down to see herself bearing nothing but a large black sweatshirt that definitely did not belong to her. The paranoia started kicking in around now, what happened last night, did that guy kidnap her? Why did his apartment look so similar to hers? Alana quickly swallowed her fears before searching for a weapon of some sort, sending a hasty search around the room and quickly saw a hammer placed upon the man's gaming set-up, a bit strange.

Hesitantly, hammer in hand, she tip-toed out towards the kitchen which was emitting a mouth-watering smell of bacon and eggs. She was just about to turn around the corner when she observed the man's face. He possessed facial hair, and looked nothing like the man from last night; Alana instantly had recognised it was Jay and unfortunately wasn't able to hide the murderous hammer before he recognised her as well. He scanned over her body, a half disgusted half confused look on his face.

There was a slight pause, neither of them knowing what to say as Alana slowly lowered the hammer from over her head.

"What... are you doing?" Alana just maintained her eyes locked into his, a confused look plastered to her face as she slowly placed the hammer on the counter, Jay simply shrugged before returning to his eggs. Was she going insane? Hallucinating? Tripping? Was this some strange dream? How on earth did she end up in this guy's apartment, wearing his clothes? She took one last look at herself, a shudder running down her spine at the thought. There's no way she did, surely she wasn't drunk enough for that. Her mind raced as she gathered the courage to clear her throat and say something.

"Did we?..." She started, hoping he'd understand and Alana wouldn't have to go into further detail. Jay (Who was currently facing away from her and working on something in a pan) Paused for a second before breaking out into manic laughter. Alana simply watched in awe, what was his problem? 

Once he finally calmed down, wiping tears from his eyes he simply stated. "That's nasty."

"Excuse me?" Alana let out in utter shock, she didn't have many friends back home but god did the boys desire her, "Why am I wearing your clothes then?" She huffed, crossing her arms and staring the man down viciously.

"I don't know maybe because you threw up all over yourself and then started stripping like some poverty-stricken prostitute." Alana choked on her spit with shock before immediately flashing her poker face as soon as the man turned around, "You're welcome, by the way."

"Whatever, where are my clothes then?" She replied moodily with a roll of the eye.

"In the dryer, The club has your bag in holding and your keys are on the side, turns out you just left them in my car." Alana furrowed her brow at him which he quickly picked up and halted his cooking for a second, towering over the girl with his arms crossed, "Why do you look like that?" Alana instantly dropped the disgust a plastered a sarcastic cheesy smile on her face.

"Awwww, you did all that for me." She teased, very obviously taking the piss out of him before finding the laundry room.

"Yeah, cause I knew if I hadn't you'd throw a tantrum like a little bitch." He yelled from the other room, Alanna hastily returned to retrieve her keys.

"Bye lover boy, don't miss me too much." She grinned before blowing a kiss and establishing her way towards the front door.

"Fucking blow me," He yelled through the wall, not without muttering 'nasty bitch' under his breath.

Punching Bag / JSchlattWhere stories live. Discover now