A Very Busy Day

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"Captain Levi!", yelled Eren as he approached the bored out Corporal. "What now, Eren?", said Levi in his usual bored out, emotionless tone. "The toilet in the men's restroom is overflowing, sir!", Eren yelled as he stood and saluted Captain Levi. "Tch...filthy...", Levi muttered, "Lead me to the mess." Eren immediately walked forward and made a series of turns through the Survey Corps Base followed quickly by Captain Levi. As soon as Eren got there, Levi pushed Eren to the side and slammed open the door. "Captain Levi!", Armin and Jean yelled, saluting the Corporal. Levi gave them a slight nod of the head and proceeded to ask, "Now, what's the problem here?" Armin stepped forward, "Corporal, the toilet in the 3rd stall is overflowing!" Levi looked around and eyed the floor of the 3rd stall. "Tch...", Levi muttered as he saw the water slowly creeping out of the door of the stall. "Well, what are you waiting for, brats? Get that cleaned up! I don't want to see a speck of toilet water on this floor again or say goodbye to dinner and hello to laps with me!" "Yes, sir!", yelled Eren, Armin, and Jean in unison. Levi slowly turned around and opened the door. Suddenly, Hanji appeared infront of him, grabbing his shoulders, "Oi! Hanji! What are you doing here?" "Oh! S-So sorry, Corporal!", Hanji apologized frantically as she stepped away from him. "There's a really big problem!!" Captain Levi scratched his head. "What now?!", Levi muttered quite irritably. "Commander Erwin has lost his mind!", Hanji yelled. "What?", Levi questioned unusually calmly. "He's throwing stuff in his office and punishing the cadets for no reason at all!", said Hanji, yelling frantically again. "Well, I would agree with the 'punishing cadets for no reason' part, but I don't get why he's messing up his office...well, I guess I'll have to go there myself if no one else has done it.", Levi sighed, "Lead me." Hanji took another different path towards Erwin's office. As she approached the doors, Levi barged through her, pushing her to the side forcefully. "Wait! Corporal!", Hanji stuttered. Levi turned around and glared at her, "Don't get in my way again...I'll deal with this myself." Captain Levi pulled open the door, loosening the handle. "Good morning.", Levi said dully trying to make his way past piles of paperwork, scattered all over the floor. "Why did you mess up your office, now it looks as dirty as the horse stables.", Levi picked up a piece of dirt, "Filthy..." "It's none of your business, Levi.", Erwin muttered. "What did you say?", Levi raised his head from the ground. "IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!", Erwin yelled. "Well, too bad.", Levi said sarcastically, "What's wrong with you today anyway?" "Bad Morning...", Erwin muttered. "Well, that doesn't mean that you should lash it all out on your room, making it look like a horse stable. How about just the cadets?" "Deal.", muttered Erwin. "Alright...I'll have Mikasa come over here and clean this up.", agreed Levi as he walked out of the room and closed the door. "So? How did it go?", asked Hanji as Levi closed the door and peacefully passed by. Levi scoffed, "Heh, piece of cake, I'm surprised no one else could do it anyway..." Hanji looked on, mouth open, as Levi turned around the corner and headed towards the kitchen.

"Mikasa Ackerman!", Levi yelled into the kitchen. Immediately Mikasa stepped out of the kitchen with an amazingly clean apron. "You're a clean person too, huh?", Levi scoffed. "I sure am!", replied Mikasa cheerfully as she took off her apron, hung it on the rack and approached the Corporal, "Now, what did you want me for?" "Oh, uh, I just needed you to take a break off from kitchen duty and clean Erwin's office for me.", responded Levi as he grabbed Mikasa's shoulder and pulled her close enough within earshot, "Don't you dare even get him angry again." "Yeah, yeah, fine, alright...", replied Mikasa dully. "See you later, Levi!", said Mikasa as she waved her hand at him, "I'll be back in a little bit." "See you later. Bye.", Levi responded as he raised his hand in a similar farewell.

Levi sighed as Mikasa walked away and turned around to meet the sweaty and tired face of Armin, Jean, and Eren. "We finished it, sir!", the three said in unison. They did a quick salute to the Corporal as he walked in front of them, pacing. "Toilets work?", Levi asked. "Yes, sir!", they all said. "Floors are spotless?" "Yes, sir!" "Mirrors are clean, dry, and reflective?" "Yes, sir!" "Sinks are spotless and faucets are polished?" "Yes, sir!" "Toilet bowls are clean?" "Yes, sir!" "Not a speck of dust?" "Yes, sir!" "Humph, I guess I'll just have to go check it out...make sure that it is in my standards." Eren, Armin, and Jean suddenly put on worried looking faces. "Well? Show me!", Levi turned towards the three and gave each of them an intimidating look, "Hurry up. I have to go back to my office. It's getting late." "U-Uh...yes, sir!"

As soon as Levi came through the door, he called Armin over. "Armin", Levi called. "Yes, sir?", replied Armin in the regular salute. "Kick the base of the third toilet." "What?", Armin asked not knowing what the corporal meant. "I said...", Levi shortly paused before he continued with his order with an even more forceful tone, "Kick the base of the third toilet!" "O-Ok- I mean- yes, sir!", Armin stuttered. Armin immediately walked over into the third stall and kicked he base of the third toilet. Immediately, toilet water spurted out right into Armin's face as he staggered out of the stall door. "Well?", Levi glared at Eren, Armin, and Jean and yelled, "You think this is up to my standards? No dinner for 5 days! 100 laps around the Survey Corps base for 10 days, starting tonight. I will have Mikasa watch over you as you do those.", Levi smirked, "Have fun!" Levi turned to go out the door and stepped halfway through it, "By the way, I want to see this restroom perfectly clean by tomorrow and up to my standards, in other words, spotless and working. If I don't see this, more laps and no dinner for you!" Eren, Jean, and Armin stood hopelessly as the corporal exited he restroom and made his way down the hall to his office.

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