Chapter 9: Reunion Under Moon

Start from the beginning

          (I'll just head in first.)

You put your masked first then entered the zone. You walked for a several minutes until you notice that in every turns you make you always end up face a tree with a triangle sign in it.

          (Wasn't I here before? ...No matter where I go, my surroundings look exactly the same.)

The wind blows stronger. Birds are flying. Trees are rustling. You heard a loud noise.


You pull out your gun and slowly walk towards the target. Reaching the end of the forest, near a cliff you saw a big black shadow-like monster floating in the air. You run and roll towards a big rock.

          (If I fight it head-on, I'll die. That's for sure.)

You look at it once again and you see someone standing at the cliff.


You look closely at it. The man reaches his hand to the Wanderer.

          (Is he... comforting the Wanderer?)

When the man's hand touches the Wanderer, a light shines. The Wanderer blows up through the air leaving it's remnants showers to the ground. A red protocore was flowing. The man gets his hand in it then crush it.

          (It's that guy from the other day...!)

Wanting to see more, you accidentally step into a branch. The man heard it.

          ( Oh no, i need to-)

You attempted to run and hide again but when you face your back Xavier was already there drawing his sword on your face. You drop on the ground.


          I-it's me! We've met before I swear! Back at the research base. After we escaped, you asked me to-

Before you finished your sentence a blue like wine warps around your feet and drag you and hang you upside down.


You looked at Xavier struggling. You remove your mask to show him your face.

          ...You asked me to keep our meeting a secret.

Realizing he must've mistaken you for someone else he help you get down. He put you in a tree log and check if you are hurt somewhere. Touching your ankle you flinch.

          Are you hurt here?

Y/N: ( Smiled )
          It's only a sprained ankle. Thank you for your help.

Xavier get the bandage in his pocket and give it to you. You wrap it around your ankle.

          I didn't expect us to meet again so soon.

He look at you seriously.

          And I didn't expect you to be brave enough to come here alone.

          I didn't have a choice. My partner went missing.

Xavier diverted his gaze to the surroundings.

          The energy fluctuations make it easy to get lost. You should leave, now that you hurt your ankle.

          What about you? Aren't you worried about getting lost?
          Wait... That's right. You can just "poof" whenever you want.

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