17 § eternal love

Start from the beginning

"Nooo! Agh!" The banister broke, his head was hanging out as I looked up, the tears stopped falling. The ring was off my finger within the second. Burn. The smell of flesh. Pain. Like I'd never felt before. 

I screamed. But I didn't hear myself. It was too loud. I burned. And I saw it happen. 

I died. 

I woke up screaming. I gasped. I knew these colours. I knew this place, this feeling. This place. 

"No." I turned around, standing in front of me was...

"Stefan." I stood up. "What, what are you doing here, why are you--" 

"It's okay." I shook my head walking to him. "I wanted to see you. You've been out for a long time." He looked behind me at the Mikaelson Compound. 

"I died. I died. How are you--" 

"Dead?" He smiled at me. If I could cry here, I would've. "Bonnie and Damon have a way to get me back." I sighted, hugging him. I hadn't seen him in so long.

"What's happening? Why are you here?"

"We should go. I'll explain on the way." I frowned. "The other side is falling. It's not going to hold for long." He took my hand as I failed to understand anything he said. "If Bonnie can bring me back, she'll bring you back too." 

"Bring you back?-- Stefan."

I grunted as we reached the door. "What's wrong?" Stephan bowed down to help me. "Hey hey, what's happening?" He looked around like something would appear any second. 

"I don't know, it's---"


"I-- There's something--- Something's pulling me back." I groaned, looking back at my burnt body. It was calling to me. "Stefan, I think--

Suddenly I was flying back to the ground as Stefan shouted my name. 

I sat up gasping. My lungs burned as I crawled back until I reached the wall steadying myself. What the fuck

Elijah, who'd been standing over me, looked at me like I just grew two heads. My eyes went to the spot Stefan was just standing at. He wasn't here. 

This time I was really crying. I looked at Elijah who didn't waste a second to reach me, he brushed my cheek so delicately I barely felt it. "I died." I whispered. For the first time in forever, I watched a tear run down his cheek. I didn't recall ever seeing him cry.

Jumping to him, I circled my arms around his neck as he pulled me in. His body shook as he held me so tight. I couldn't comprehend-- I couldn't understand what had happened. Klaus made me burn to death. 

"He killed me. You didn't close your eyes." He shook his head against my chest, I'd seen my body, it was black flesh, my bones showing. I pulled his head back to look at me. "What happened?" 

That seemed to bring the sanity back to him as his eyes dropped with so much hatred. I noticed Camille, of all people, on the background, she was bleeding. "What happened?" I asked her again standing up. I felt breathless, weak. I had to steady myself against Elijah. 

I was unstable. Coming back did something to me. My body didn't feel right. Like the pieces weren't assembled correctly. But I had to push all that aside, I needed to get this over with and go help my brother. Stefan was dead. It felt too wrong, I kept looking around like I would see him at any point. 

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