12 § out of the family drama

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"One espresso please, no sugar." The barista nodded as I waited in line. 

"So now I get why my brother liked you so much, you're just as weird as him. Likes. Or do I say liked, can't know these days." I turned around to him with a fake smile after grabbing my drink. 

"Good morning to you too." We sat outside as I tried to enjoy my peace and quiet, but his incessant talking wouldn't let me. 

"-and so they're still keeping secrets, and I did everything they asked, everything, I helped them with mother, I gave back the dagger, I would've also killed Finn. But no, they're precious trio still triumphs." 

"Kol." I said opening my eyes. "Shut up." He smirked at me. 

"And what are you still doing here? My brother has gone mad after mother's crazy torture, and instead of comforting him, bringing him back, you hide." 

"I'm not hiding, I'm simply making sure that whatever the fuck your precious mother did, does not have some expiration date, you're supposed to help me with that, remember?" 

"Ah right. You're bound to this city now." I rolled my eyes. "I thought that spell died along with Esther." 

"Well it didn't, I started desiccating even quicker the second I left that pesky limit. Marcel has started to trust me though. I think. He wants me involved. Whatever that means." I shrugged. 

"And you're still a vampire." I smiled cockily at him. 

"What can I say, I'm a creature of habit." this time he rolled his eyes. Esther desperately tried to get me into the body of a witch, but I refused to come back if so, and in her master manipulator plan for her son, she needed me, so she brought me back the same as before. 

"Emily." I turned around frowning. It was the baby vamp Josh, Marcel's errand boy. 

"What do you want?" Kol sighted sipping slowly his tea. 

"Marcel wants you to come to the compound, we have a meeting with the werewolfs." I scoffed turning to Kol. 

"Did you hear that, it started with 'Marcel wants you to', contrary to you Joshua, I am not Marcel's lackey. And trust me, you want to keep me as far away from that place as you can." He fidgeted in his spot, I'd had the feeling Josh was scared of me. 

"Please, he thinks you're one of the only one's they'll listen to." I closed my eyes rolling them internally before sitting up. 

"Better go little Salvatore, don't want to keep the boss waiting." 

"Kol, I understand you like this body, but believe me when I say, I'll rip you're limbs so fast you wont be able to practice magic for a century." He laughed shaking his head as I followed behind the little pest. 

"Wait! I'll come with you, Klaus asked me to move my stuff in my room." I didn't wait, I just kept walking. 

The compound smelled like dirty dogs as we entered. The wolf pack waiting on the other side, ready to pounce. I spotted Hayley, Klaus's baby mama, on the balcony looking over concerned. I hadn't met her yet, but I was keen to. 

"Now, I want you to be serious Em, okay? This is important, you've done this once before, you can do it again." I scoffed at Marcel's words. 

"Different times call for different measures, a hundred years ago no one had cursed them." I fake winced as Marcel shot me a stern look. 

Hayley started making up some speech, asking for the vampire's help. 

"My vamps and I are willing to stand with you against the witches." Marcel spoke. I put a hand in his shoulder, stepping forward. 

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