15 § I lost everything

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I entered Marcel's place in the middle of a conversation. "Hey. Rebekah." I smiled at her. 

"You knew she was back and didn't tell me?" Marcel spoke in an accusatory voice. I smirked at him.

"I tend to keep to my business and not talk of others, I'm pretty sure that's your favourite quality of mine." He shook his head. "So, what happened?" The call had sounded pretty urgent. 

"I was attacked." Rebekah complained crossing her arms. 

"And you didn't fight back?" I chuckled pouring a glass of bourbon. "Well show me, what did you do to them?" The smile in my face disappeared as she through her hand flimsily towards me making me fly and crash to the door. 

"Are you alright?" Elijah ran to me helping me stand up. I nodded, holding my head. He wore a black and white suit with a long dark coat, I couldn't help but stare up and down as he helped me up.

"Hi." I said, holding on to his hand, he patted down my hair, helping me straighten up. A long look passing between us. It said everything it needed to say. 

"Well, it didn't work on them!" Rebekah complained before apologising. I chuckled shaking my head as Elijah held me up. "I'm sorry, are you okay? Why aren't you healing?" 

"I'm fine, I'm a vampire, pale is the default setting." Marcel scoffed mumbling to himself, before he pulled a blood bag from the fridge. 

"This is the last time, the last time, Emily. What did I say?" I rolled my eyes at him grabbing the bag. 

"Marcel, might I suggest you watch your tone." Elijah said so calmly the threat was evident. Marcel looked between the two of us a small smirk forming on his face as he narrowed his eyes at me. 

"The attackers knew me, Elijah, not me me, but this, her," Rebekah said pouting as she pointed at her body. "Whoever she is. They want her dead." Elijah clenched his jaw. 

"We will find them, and show them why their anger is unwise." he said pacing the room. 

"I agree, I'm thinking a nice donation of their heads to the Treme Museum." I said pointedly pouring the blood in a glass. 

"You don't want to mess with that crowd, all right?" Marcel put his hand up to us. I frowned, I'd never heard of Marcel being scared of dealing with witches. "We want answers, we need to ask Josephine Larue. She serves as matriarch to the covens outside the quarter." I knew that name. 

"Josephine Larue?" I asked, didn't think she'd be alive. Marcel nodded. 

"Yes, that Josephine, if she'll like anyone, it's you. She'll know who wants Rebekah dead." He looked at her with worry in her eyes. 

"How are you sure?" Rebekah asked, I could almost see the fear in her, she wasn't used to being vulnerable.  She was an Original, there was nothing walking this earth that could kill them. 

"She bankrolls the Fauline cottage." I looked at Marcel, having no idea what that sentence meant. "She'll know exactly who you are, and why you were locked up in there." 

The Fauline cottage is the asylum. I shook my head now in a nod. "What if she want's to lock me back up? I wont go back to that horrid place." 

"The two of you go and see what you can find about this body you now possess, and I shall pay a visit to Josephine." Elijah said pointing at the two of them. "A warning to you," he held Rebekah's face in his hands. "You are not who you once were, this body is far too vulnerable." Rebekah rolled her eyes at him as he moved to leave. 

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