"We need to get them to the Pokemon Center." Said Brock. They ran off and headed to the Pokemon Center.

When they did, they learned that Nurse Joy was tired, and she eventually took care of them after pleeding with her. With their Pokemon being taken care of, they went to the power plant. Nurse Joy told them about how she couldn't contact the power plant. They went to talk with Officer Jenny. She told them about where the power plant is. They thanked her and headed off, but before they did, they saw a bush rustle and out came Pikachu and Ivysaur.

Ash and Momo were worried about their health, and after their Pokemon showed them, they were fine, and the twins let them come as long as they took it easy. They soon arrived at the Power Plant. They went in and looked around. They came across a Magnemite, and it was following Pikachu, who was running away.

"Magnemite The Magnet Pokemon.
It subsists on electricity. As Magnemite flies, it emits electromagnetic waves from the units on each side of its body."

"I think Magnemite likes Pikachu's electricity. It's acting like Pikachu is a power sore." Said Momo thinking.

"Why would Magnemite think that?" Ash said, confused.

"We are going to figure that out the more we go." Said Brock.

Magnemite ran away suddenly, and they were confused as to why it ran away. They saw a group of Pokemon come out, and they stunk as well. Ash scanned the Pokemon, and the Poke dex said;

"Grimer The Sluge Pokemon.
Made of congealed sludge. It smells too putrid to touch. Even weeds won't grow in their path."

"That's why things are bad here." Said Brock.

"Yeah. Grimer is making the air stink and hard for people to live here." Said Ash.

They stayed ready in case they attacked. Then they saw a Muk and ran off after it, but it had the Grimer's attack. They got to the control room, and there they learned that it was the Grimer who was stopping the power from coming back on.

The Grimer's got through, and the Magnemite came back with it's friends and together, they took some of them down. They were able to use a powerful Thunderbolt and knocked out the rest of the Grimer. Muk was still standing, but with a combined Thunder Shock, the Muk was knocked out. Ash was able to catch it, and they relocated the Grimer to a different place.


The group headed out again, and they soon stopped to have dinner. They happily talked, and Ash felt a bit bad for Prof. Oak. The Muk was sent to the lab, and he knew that Prof. Oak will not be too happy with that one.

They trained a bit, and it was while Momo was having a practice battle with Ash that Ivysaur started to glow white.

"She's evolving!" Momo said happily.

"Amazing!" Said Ash excited.

Brock smiled and said, "That's great!"

When the light died down, there stood a bigger Pokemon. Momo looked up her new partner, and the Poke'dex said,'

"Venusaur The Seed Pokemon and the final evolved form of Bulbasur.
Huge amounts of pollen burst from it with the force of a volcanic eruption. Breathing in too much pollen can cause fainting."

"Wow. We'll have to be careful of that." Said Momo to herself. She smiled and went to hug her Venusaur. "I'm so excited you evolved. I would have been happy even if you didn't want to evolve."

Venusaur was happy to have such a sweet trainer. Ash and Brock congratulated the two, and she called and called Lance and Prof. Oak and told the two about Venusaur. The two were happy for Momo and Venusaur. They soon went to bed because by the time the excitement died down and they saw it was late.


Sorry for the wait, and I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you for reading, and if you don't like the story, then don't read.

Momo KetchumDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora