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PERCY SAW HER even before they could stop

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PERCY SAW HER even before they could stop. He opened the door leaped outside even before Sally could stop the car.

Lilith turned around as she heard the footsteps. The same footsteps that she could recognise anywhere.

He was here.

Even before Lilith could responsed, a mop of black hair leaped towards her and picked her from the ground, twrilling her around as she laughed. Her laughter echoed in the silence of the Westover Hall.

Her laughter, oh how much Percy had missed her laughter. He felt the calmness as soon as she was back again in his arms. Months of tension was gone in split of seconds.

"Okay! Okay! I missed you too, Percy!" Lilith laughed as Percy twriled her around more, "Now, put me down."

Lilith's feets touched the ground and even before she could react to all the twrilling, a pair of strong arms were wrapped around her frame and the smell of ocean and salt filled her sense blessing her with eternal bliss.

Percy couldn't stop himself from reaching over and throwing his arms around her, his eyes closed as he tried to preserve every fragrance of lavender and rose he could sense. His body immediately relaxed as soon as her arms wrapped around his torso, her forehead resting just where his heart was.

They felt home.

They pulled away and that was when Lilith got the first glimpse of Percy.

He had grown taller and his hairs had gotten more messy, like he just had a walk by the sea. His eyes, oh his eyes, Lilith couldn't describe that. His Ocean green eyes had darkened a little and were more enchanting.

He looked ethernal.

She felt like she could stare in those eyes forever.

That was when Lilith realised how homesick she was. That was when she realised that home can be a person too.

Her home.

Percy couldn't bring himself to look away from those enchanting amethyst brown orbs of hers.

Her eyes had became brighter and had darkened a little around the corner. He felt like he could see the entire universe in her eyes. Even the stars felt dull infront of his moonlight.

Now he know why he was restless these day, because he was feeling homesick. But now, he felt calmness, like sea had finally found the perfect depth and place.

His place.

Someone cleared their throat, pulling the Demigods out of their trance. They pulled away quickly as a pretty magenta colour made it's way on their cheeks.

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