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Time skip

Yeonjun: At home.

Minho: Finally. ( put bags down and drop on couch)

Jisung: Lazy human.

All sat.

Aunt: Clothes are done. Only gifts and cooking ingredients left.

Hoshi: We can shop tomorrow.

Yeonjun: I will not go.

Jisung: Me too.

Aunt: How about Soobin and Minho?

Both: Done.

Yeonjun: I will do decoration.

Jisung: Gonna help you.

Jihoon: Me?

Hoshi: You can manage house.

Jihoon: Okay.

At night.

Soobin: I am his servant. ( crying)

Minho: I am his cook and servant both. ( crying too)

Jihoon: Snacks are good. ( eating)

Minho: Why you never complain about Hoshi hyung?

Jihoon: Why should I?

Soobin: Something. Tell na hyung. I want to hear.

Minho: Me too.

Jihoon: I have only some complaints. Why he never ate breakfast with me?

Minho: So hyung can eat with peace.

Jihoon: He never raise his voice at me. In 2 year of marriage I never heard his raised voice.

Soobin: In my 3 years of marriage there isn't a day where I didn't heard his shouting.

Minho: He is blessed to have wife like Hoshi hyung. Our is demon.

They drink again.

At 1.

All were limping. They bid bye and went to respective room.

Jihoon: Our 1st honeymoon sucks. And this room is decorated like honeymoon. Jihoon take your chance.


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