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Both laugh.

Hoshi: It was good.

Jisoo: Of course I am Lee Jisoo.

Jihoon: Darling where is my mobile?

Hoshi take his mobile and purse out. He give to Jihoon.

Aunt: See. He keep Jihoon's all money and mobile.

Aunt2: My poor nephew. Jihoon found a slut.

Jisoo: Hey aunts, volume low.

Aunts gave her disgusting look and went. Jihoon peck Hoshi lips and went. Jisoo squeal.

Jisoo: My romantic Brother.

Hoshi: My romantic noona who know how to tas- Hmph

Jisoo: Shut up ( close his mouth)

Hoshi laugh. Jisoo take her hand back.

Jisoo: I really wonder how you taste.

Hoshi: You know hoon is out for work from 8am to 7pm. Come in between and taste. ( wink)

Jisoo: Sure. Are you confirm he will not come?

Hoshi: I am sure. I will add sleeping pills in his lunch. He will sleep in office and we will ( tease)

Jihoon: Appointment of tomorrow.

Hoshi: You don't need appointment. Just come and taste. ( flirt)

Jisoo: Oooooh! ( teasing smile)

Both laugh.

Jihoon: Wow what master plan. ( clap)

Both get shocked. They look back, Jihoon was standing.

Hoshi: Such a good area. ( take Jisoo away)

Jihoon laugh. He was happy that his sister is keeping his wife company.

Jisoo: Plan leak.

Hoshi: Don't worry. I know Jihoon P.A number. I will message her. Say to keep him busy in meeting.

Jisoo: Great plan.

Mom: What are you two talking?

Hoshi: M-Mrs Lee. N-Nothing just talking.

Both went away.

Mom: I need to tell Jihoon that his wife is cheater


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