Work! ARHG!

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Hoshi: No let me change.

Jisoo: Come fast

Hoshi went. He came in 5 minutes.

 He came in 5 minutes

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Jisoo: Look good

Both go out. Jisoo drive. Jihoon call came. Jisoo snatch it and put on speaker.

Jihoon: Darling.

Jisoo: Your darling with me.

Jihoon: Why?

Jisoo: We are going out today.

Jihoon: He is not free.

Jisoo: 100$ per hour

Jihoon: Be safe darling. Enjoy and bye. ( call cut)

Hoshi: He sold me.

Both laugh.

 They reach Jisoo house. Jisoo rang bell.

Rose: Hi. Oh Hoshi here. Come in. Bed is ready.

Both laugh and went inside.

Rose: Jisoo: Look good

Both go out. They reach Jisoo house. Jisoo rang bell.

Rose: Hi. Oh Hoshi here. Come in. Bed is ready.

Both laugh and went inside. They sat.

Jisoo: It's night. I will drop Hoshi.

Hoshi: Thank you Jisoo noona and sweet flavour noona.

Rose get confused. Jisoo drag him. Rose and Hoshi wave.

After a month.

Hoshi was dressed in revealing clothes.

Woozi was working on laptop in his room, sitting on bed

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Woozi was working on laptop in his room, sitting on bed.

Hoshi: Hoon, look at me.

Woozi: Few seconds.

Hoshi: Only a glance

Woozi: No wait.

Hoshi wait for few seconds. He then go, close laptop, cut the call of mobile and threw in on bed. Jihoon look at him. Hoshi sat on his lap, facing him. Woozi smell the beautiful fragrance. He look at Hoshi clothes, biting his lips.

Hoshi: Only staring at me or ( trace his hand on Woozi chest) want to do something.

Woozi: Why something? I will do a lot.

Woozi kiss him hungrily. Both kiss messily. Woozi hands go to unbutton Hoshi shirt. He take it off, leaving Hoshi in only shorts. Woozi lay him on bed, hovering over him.

Both were making out. Hoshi body fill with hickies. One or two bites on Woozi neck or chest. Woozi was about to enter in him but his call came. He groan.

Woozi: Now who. ( take mobile) Yes, what happen. ( kissing Hoshi neck) Now, its ( look at clock) 10 pm. You want me to come. I am not coming. What do you mean, its urgent? You didn't check schedule of mine properly. Are you idiot? ( sit on bed)

Hoshi cover his body with sheet and also sat.

Woozi: Why didn't you checked. What you mean you forgot? ARGH! Fine, how much time. Are you a moron? You didn't know how much time it will take. Let me come then I will keep you in check. ( call out)

Hoshi: Fresh up. I will pack your things.


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