Again date

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They reach building. 

Rony: This boy smell so nice.

Woozi: Don't touch him idiot.( shoot)

Rony and his guards became attentive. They took their gun out and fire. At last our cute cheek guy win.

Woozi: I ain't called mafia boss for a reason shits.

Hoshi start waking up. Woozi get in front of him blocking view.

Hoshi: My head. ( hold his head)

Woozi: That's why I tell to eat properly. ( pick him bridal style)

Woozi bodyguards block view.

Hoshi: Where are we?

Woozi: Don't know. ( going)

Woozi went. Woozi guards kill all of them.

Hoshi: What happened to me?

Woozi: We were walking and you fainted. ( drive car)

Hoshi: How?

Woozi: Why you don't eat properly? Always on diet.

Hoshi: But I ate toda- yesterday.

Woozi: You didn't.

Hoshi: I am sorry I ruined our date.

Woozi: Not at all. Your health and safety come first for me. For date ready at time I will pick you again. 

Hoshi: Okay.

Both get in home. Woozi kiss him and left for office. Hoshi fresh up and do household works. He remember he need to eat also. He start cooking for himself and Jihoon lunch.

At night.

Hoshi dress in something good

( without hat)He apply scent and open door

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( without hat)

He apply scent and open door.

Jihoon: So beautiful wife I have ( kiss him)

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