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Aries Pov

The last week or so have been really hard for my family especially after loosing my grandma, but Jadon has been the absolute best as always. He's been coming over every night making sure I'm okay and also. Cooking for me if I ain't ate.

I only had the day off after the game and the day of the funeral but other than that I have been attending training. However, today is the last game for a 2 weeks it's international break.

Which I'm pretty excited about as Jadon keeps saying that when we next have a break we can go on holiday together so hopefully we can go.

But as much as I would love to think about a hot vacation I have a game to get ready for. I have already got up and had my shower and slicked my hair back with a hair mask and I'm now on my way to the game


After arriving and having our team meeting and also warming up we are now lining up in the tunnel ready to walk out. I looked behind me but Jadon wasn't behind me as he wasn't starting with me, but I did see him and i turned around
He was standing more to the side he was already looking at me

We then walked out and by the fans I could feel today was going to be a tough game.
The game soon started and I was already feeling the roughness off the game. A few fights were breaking out in the middle of the game but soon to be split up and the game carrying on

Halftime then came


For the second half I'm still playing and now Jadon is being subbed on
"You okay baby?" He say coming over to me before the second half starts

"Yeah, J if you get the ball pass it over to me just like last time,they are quite shit on the left side
Assist my goal" I say winking  at him

"Alright" he says with a smile

I watched Jadon walk away, how can some look so handsome just from behind. I can't even see his face.

I was then quickly taken out of my thoughts when the referee called the whistle. Jadon got the ball a couple of time but failed to get the ball over to me.

He eventually got the ball again and passed it over to me, a bit like my last goal.
I ran up the pitch and ran and managed to score a goal in the 58th minute.
The team came over celebrating with me

"I love assisting you" Jadon says putting his arm around me and whispering in my ear

"I love you" I mumbled

"I love you" he replied before taking his arm away from me and running away

A couple of moments later the ball had been kicked over to me from the other side of the pitch. I was in a bit of a situation with a couple of players around me, but I was also trying to waste time to hold the win.

I didn't know wheather to do a trick or not,
I turned to the side and I was soon tripped by one of the players making me fall but also making the ball go out of play.
As I was laying on the floor waiting for the ref to see what actually happened

I saw a player sliding across the pitch coming my way and before I knew it the players boot was against the side of my face.

I didn't feel anything at first but within seconds a horrendous pain hit my face making me scream load and instantly cry with the pain. While I'm trying to get up and hold my face there was a big fight that started between the player that tackled me and the player that's boot hit my face

I removed my hands from the side of my face and saw the crazy amount of blood in my hands. Jadon came over to me and i took my hands away and he covered the side of my face with his hands

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