Six💎first game🪬

343 13 10

Aries PoV

I smiled a little at Jadon and tried my hardest not to laugh to entertain his foolishness
"You are very not funny" i say rolling my eyes at him

"Yeah I am I know you wanna laugh so just laugh" Jadon says leaning back on his chair with his legs spread open grinning enormously

🧠- he just looks so good

"Boy you better shush" i say staring at him as he stares back

"Aries" my name was called
I looked behind me and saw the chef looking at me, I got off my chair and walked over to him and took my plate
"Thank you so much" I say to the chef

I took my plate and I went and sat back down in my seat,as soon as I sat down Jadon stood up and went and collected his request prematch meal
He then came and sat back down and we both started eating

Once we finished eating we followed the rest of the team back into the changing room, we have a small chat with the manager before we had to go and warm up,
We all left the changing room and the other players started running out of the tunnel whilst me and Jadon slowly jogged behind

As soon as we entered the pitch the Crowded erupted clapping and cheering at us.
Me and Jadon carried on jogging whilst also clapping out hand in a manor of thank you

As a team we all started warming up and after 20 minutes we finished and walked back down to the tunnel, I waved to the fans before heading into the changing room
I got my shorts and jerseys and went into the bathroom and changed cause I did not wanna get changed in front of loads of men

Once I was change I walked back into the changing room and sat down in my seat
Jadon was sitting next to me just in his shorts he did not have his jersey on yet

🧠-his body ugh😍 the abs and his v line on show

I strapped my shin pads to my shins with some skin taped
I put on my socks then I put on my football boots, I shorted out my curly hair and the last couple of things a did was
Apply some Vaseline to my lips , apply some deodorant,moisture to my face and brushed my lash extensions then I put on a training top

We had our last big team meeting of standards and motivation before we left and lined up in the tunnel
Me and Jadon was not playing on the starting line up we had a possible chance of being substituted on to make our proper debut

Both Leeds and Manchester United starting player lead the way on to the pitch,all of the substitute players,staff members and Manger all followed behind them

The crowd was loud really loud the loudest I have ever heard , and the stadium was packed of Red Devil fans also the most busiest stadium i will play at

Me and Jadon sat next to each other on the substitute bench
And not too long after the games started.
In the 30th minutes Bruno Fernandes scored with us jumping up the celebrate,

Not even under 20 minutes Leeds bagged a goal by Luke ayling leaving the halftime score 1-1
All the substitute players went into the pitch to warm up getting ready for the second half

15 minutes later the players returned to the pitch and just before it resumed me and Jadon was pulled by the manager tell us we was going to be substituted on

Me and Jadon removed our training tops leaving us both in our Jersey ,shorts,socks and football boots

Me and Jadon both stood on the side line waiting to go and play
Jadon pulled me in a hug as a gesture of 'good luck' I hugged him back, he winked at me and I returned a smiled

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