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Aries PoV

Thursday 1st September 2022

Today we have a mid week home game against Leicester City, Jadon is now fully recovered from his cold in fact he still attended game and was at training even though he was sick

Me and Jadon have been so good together
Even though I went a little crazy over searching his name we got over it and he reassured me about everything.

This morning I have just been chilling around my house, then I went and had a relaxing bath. After having my bath I put my robe on and went downstairs and that's when Jadon face time me

"Hey baby" he says as I answered the phone

"Hey" I replied setting my phone up against something in my kitchen to hold my phone up

"What you doing?" He asked

"I just had a bath and now I'm making some food then I need to get ready" I explained

"Cool" he says

I carried on making my food, Jadon set his phone on his lap so I was looking at the ceiling
"You ceiling is borning to look at
I wanna see your face" I say to Jadon

"I'm playing fifa" he says

"Did I ask?" I say

"Girl you are mouthy today" he says setting his phone up so I can see him

"I'm not I just wanna look at you not your boring white ceiling" I say and Jadon smiled
"Wanna come over for food?" I asked him

"I have eaten already" he says

"Just say you don't wanna come over" I say

"Girl you got bad attitude today" Jadon says

"No I haven't, you just don't wanna see me but that's cool" I say

"You know that not true baby. I have eaten already" he says

"Whatever you say" I say rolling my eyes

I finished cooking my food then I ate it before going upstairs to the bathroom and slicking my hair back with a hair mask
Then I did my skincare before getting changed into my traveling training kit

I was still on FaceTime to Jadon so I got in the car and I drove to old Trafford were I was able to put the phone down and see Jadon face in front of me

"You good miss attitude?" Jadon asked me

"Shut your mouth" I say walking into the changing room
I still have my space in the changing room
But I'm also allowed in the old kit room which is now changed into a small changing room for me

The room is connected with the the main changing room so I was able to see and hear everything.
I put my wash bag on my space

"Team meeting" the manger called
"Aries you will be playing along with Anthony elanga and Marcus" and I nodded my head
I looked over at Jadon and he smiled and winked at me

Once the manger finished with his team talk everyone started getting ready to go and warm up, Jadon and Aaron joined me in my changing room
Then once everyone was done we made our way onto the Field were we trained

We then made our way back into my changing room Jadon and Aaron was just sitting watching me as they were on the bench and didn't need to get ready

All of a sudden while Jadon was talking my vision went blurry
"Where is my boots?" I asked

"Under your space" Jadon says

I still wasn't able to see, I put my hand under my space trying to feel for my boots
"Here girl" Jadon says getting them for me and putting them in front of me

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