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Thursday 23rd December 2021

Jadon PoV

Since Aries injury we both have been chilling that game against Norwich was our last game until the 27th
But due to Aries injury we haven't been doing anything

We have just been in her house cooking or watching movies together
I mean I am not complaining

But this morning I am driving down to London for Christmas and Aries is coming with me, this morning I woke up and started to get ready
Then I left my house and drove to Aries house

I pulled up on her drive and knocked on her door and in no time she answered the door
"Good morning" she says

"Good morning how are you?" I asked her

"I'm okay, I just want to cut my foot off" she says which made me laugh

"I'm sure it will heal in no time" i say

"Yeah hopefully" she says

"Anyways are you ready?" I asked her

"Yeah would you just be able to get my bag?" She asked me

"Yeah of course" i says walking in her house and picking up her Chanel purse
Once I got the purse I went back to the door
"Wait let me help you" i say to her

I walked to my car and opened the passenger side door and placed her bag on the floor
I went over to her and picked her up
"Ahhh Jadon" she screams

"Shshshsh ma" i say laughing
I managed to safely put Aries in the car
"Can you lock my door" she says

I gave her a death stare then I took the keys out of her hand and I went and locked her front door
I shut the passenger side door
Then I walked around and got in the drivers seat

I leaned over and placed my hand on the side of Aries face and I placed my lips on hers then I pulled away
"Why are your lips so addicting?" I asked

Aries just smiled at me
I leaned in again and we started making out a little more
Then I pulled away i put on my seatbelt
I connected my phone to the car
Then I drove out of Aries drive way
"Shit i need gas" i says

I started driving to the gas station
"You want anything in the little store?" I asked Aries

"Just some water please oh and a red bull" she says then she passes me her bank card

"I'm not taking that Aries" i say to her

"Yes please take it, just pay for my water and red bull" she says

"Fuck no" I say walking away
I got Aries water and red bull and I also picked up the same then i went over to the counter and paid for the drinks and for the gas

I left the store and got in the car and started the journey to London
I had my phone on my lap and I placed my hand on Aries thigh

During the drive to London Aries feel asleep it may sound creepy but I could watch her sleep all day she just looks so peaceful but obviously I had to keep my eye on the road

But every now and then I looked over at her to makes sure she was okay
My hand was still placed on her thigh

I then pulled up and Aries house
"Ma" I called squeezing her thigh a little

Mmm she mumble

"Ma we are at your house" i say to her

She opened her eyes and looked around then she looked at me and I gave her a smile
"You okay?" I asked her

Friends to lovers?-jadon sancho Where stories live. Discover now