He leans in closer before pressing his lips onto my forehead, nothing sexual and it always felt more than that with him because it was his way of showing me i was enough to him.

But the only thing i could wonder is would he look at me the same if he really knew how fucked in the head i was?

"Hell, there are atleast more then a billion words on this planet, a thousand languages and yet not of them not a single one can describe truly how you make me feel, it is fucking up my head." He whispers in my ear.

There's that, sending shivers and many other feelings down my body, making my heart beat as faster then ever.

And here we are and we both know, how truly wrong this all is.

Because we could never be for each other, it's like water with fire, deadly ,quenchless, insatiable.

so fucking forbidden.

We're here in a disgusting crusty bathroom, but here we are looking at each other as we are the probably the last on the planet.

He shakes his head breaking contact, i let out a breath his hands capture the sides of my dress as he pulls it back down.

then he walks out.

This man is so fucking bipolar.

 I look at myself in the mirror, and hate what i see everytime and here is a random man trying to prove me otherwise.

what a joke.

i laugh at the figure in the mirror, i did this to myself and there's no going back.

This was our last day here.

I saw a text from Rora saying that i'll have to ride back with Ace as something came up with Iris, apparently she wasn't feeling too well.

I'll have to check on her.

I send her a okay knowing i'll have to face a painful conversation with him again.

I walk outside to see Ace and waitress talking, she says something that cracks a smile on his face i feel a small frown creeping up, but shake it away knowing he was Ace carter after all.

I saw her place a hand on his arm while laughing, I almost laugh to myself.

I didn't actually care, i was used to replacment and treated like an option. it didn't affect me in a single way.

I walked up to them but kept a safe distance as i cleared my throat, Ace's eyes landed on mine before his face went back to a resting cold face.

I swear i heard that waitress groan, "Sorry if interupted anything but, I'm tired i'd like to go back now." I say looking at Ace, he simply nods.

The waitress speaks, "You did but, whatever call me" she says winking at Ace, he doesn't make any expression as she shoves a small piece of paper into his chest.

what was this, middle school?

She gives me a glare before walking off, i start walking the other way before the figure catches up to me as i forget he's basically a whole foot taller then me.

He gets in the car as i walk around and open the door and seat myself down, his eyes look straight ahead as he starts the engine.

i can't help but feel, well dissapointed.

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