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Damini is walking here and there in her room,
" why it is taking too much time for him, did he confess? what could be her reaction?
I'm getting tensed now" she came out of her thoughts when she heard,

" Daminiii!"

" it's Jaya!" She exclaimed and ran outside only to find her brother Dev collapsed on floor while Jaya is shooking him to get up.

" oh God! He became unconscious." She thought taking steps towards Dev.
" Damini! we were talking and he wanted to say something but suddenly he started to feel suffocated and became unconscious" Jaya said everything in one go.

Damini understood, she asked Jaya to not panic and bring some water.
" how foolish! He messed up this time also, who becomes unconscious while proposing" she thought, Jaya brought water and sprinkled it on Dev.
Few seconds later he opened his eyes and find two sets of eyes looking at him, one is with concern and other is glaring at him.
It is Damini who is glaring at him.

" I'm finished " he thought and slowly sat up, " are you okay, what happened?" Jaya asked worriedly.

Damini rolled her eyes at him and said " he didn't had his breakfast yet, so maybe he felt dizzy"

" yeah..yes..yes damini is right" Dev covered the situation and got up.
" are you sure you okay?!" Jaya asked again handing water to him, he smiled at her in assurance.

" I will leave, I'm getting late.
Damini take care of Him" Jaya said before she left.

As soon as the door shut and they heard footsteps descending.
Damini punched her brother, making him yelp.

" shame on you, how could you do that?
how you became a doctor, you coward!
Can't you just say I love you to her!" Damini yelled.

" I....." Dev tried to speak, but he did not get a chance.

"you said you will propose her today then what had gotten into you" she yelled.

" I wanted to say, but suddenly I felt nervous, the air around me became thick and I felt words struck in my throat and then my vision blurred and finally collapse" he answered after searching for words.

" you have excuses everytime, but no courage to propose her. how many times you back off?
If someone else propose her beforehand then don't become a devdas" Damini complained.

Hearing what she said Dev exclaimed " are you my twin or enemy!"
" then what must I say! I'm scared about your future.
it's been a year, you talk with her but when it comes to propose her, you become mute, how many days it will continue. I'm fed up with you.
You've to propose her within week otherwise I will say it to her." She warned him and walked away.

" what a twin I got! She lectured me, but what she knows, how it feels when the girl we love stands infront of us and we are unable to confess our love, God why this love have to be this painful " He thought and sighed.

He heard Damini speaking with Ramya via call " he failed again! You know the highlight, this time he fell unconscious too"

Dev Walked and snatched mobile from her and started to speak with Ramya, " akka(sister), listen my version also, love itself is complicated, and me for it is more complicated "

Dev continued to say his version, and their talk went on like that until Damini interrupted making him aware it's time for his work.

David's pov:

I just talked with Jithin, after a very long time.
He called me, I know he left us but it is needed for him.
I can understand his plight.
As I was reminiscing old times I got interrupted when my servant said, " anna, doctor checked Henry sir"

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