The DNA Test

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It was a Friday night, and campers were streaming from the dining pavilion towards their cabins. My siblings and I, plus a couple of their partners, all sprinted to the Dionysus cabin. We had a huge sleepover planned. Pollux and I had stayed up until midnight decorating and preparing snacks.

Everyone started cheering as they rushed into the cabin. Percy and Nico ran to raid the snacks, Annabeth and Will collapsed onto the couch, Tyson went to search for some games, Pollux began preparing everyone's favourite drinks, and I turned on the party lights.

"Tonight's gonna be lit!" Percy exclaimed.

"Hell yeah!" Pollux shouted back, tossing Percy a bottle of blue Coke.

"Hey Remus, where do you keep the games?" Tyson asked.

"Under my bed," I replied while handing Annabeth some cookies. 

I snatched a bag of sour Skittles and rolled onto the rug. I started throwing them into the air and trying to catch them in my mouth. Meanwhile, Nico joined Will on the couch and opened a huge bag of popcorn for the two of them.

"What's this?" I heard Tyson say. I looked up and saw him holding a white box. I stood up and took it from him.

"It's an at-home DNA test thing that Sally sent me for my birthday," I explained. "She knew that I wanted to find out more about my mom's side of the family, and this is what she sent me. I haven't used it yet though."

"You should do it," said Will. "I think it'd be really cool."

Everyone else was nodding and giving me thumbs-ups.

"It would... I'll go do it now. I'll mail it to Sally in the morning so she can send it to the lab."

After that, we played Truth or Dare, Monopoly, Never Have I Ever, and Cards Against Humanity, among other games. We partied until my dad came in and said that our noise was giving him a headache, and we should go the fuck to sleep.

The next morning, Percy and I woke up early to go for a walk. I made a quick pit stop to send off the test, and we were on our way. We decided to go say goodbye to Grover before he left on another demigod mission. Percy quickly got tired, so I put him on my back and swung on my vines the rest of the way. 

The satyr was still asleep, so we headed towards the beach. Percy swung off into the water and I landed on the sand. He washed up next to me and laid down. We spent the next hour talking about random things before we had to head to breakfast. 

After a training-heavy morning, Chiron gave everyone the afternoon off. Pollux and I spent the time redecorating... for the third time that month.


One day, two weeks later, Pollux and I came back to the cabin after three hours of work and saw an envelope sitting on my nightstand. Nico was at the counter, lining up jam jars.

"Your dad gave it to me while you two were in the strawberry fields," said Nico. "It's the DNA results."

I placed my baskets on the counter and picked it up. I took my dagger, carefully sliced open the envelope, and took out a piece of paper, which had the results.

"Well?" Pollux asked. "Any other long lost siblings?" I laughed, and unfolded the paper.

"It says... hold up... this can't be right..."

"What is it?" my brothers asked at the same time.

"Everything's blank..."

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