fourth is sleeping now
wait wait wait
did school announce it in the middle of the night

bro are you okay
they did it in the evening
where have you been

why are we awake

don't question it y'all
i think author kinda forgot about the time

wait so
what about fourth's dad

fourth has a house guys
he took me there to
dye his hair blue
he looks like a blueberry now
and then we kinda got clingier
ended up falling in love :(

i'm so scared|
i'm so scared about this whole thing|
i hope nothing happens|
you lovebirdssss
you deserve a good rest
tell fourth to come with us as our friend's boyfriend

let us sleep now
i'll ask him when he wakes up

Timeskip, after 2 days

Gemini asked Fourth about the party, and Fourth agreed. It was hard for him after years of being invisible in school. But finally, with Gemini's help, he was over his insecurities and he was feeling better.

And finally, it was the party day!

The gang was getting ready so excitedly. They were all so ready to have a good night after the regretful things that had happened. The most excited one was Gemini. He was getting ready very well, trying to impress his boyfriend tonight. He was wearing a white shirt and white pants, he also had jewelry as well as necklace, ring and piercings.

He thought he was ready, before the gang started to insist that he would do some makeup. They helped him out and watched many many videos of influencers to make sure they did everything right.

In the end, there was Gemini, who couldn't believe that he spent 3 hours to get ready, just for Fourth to call him pretty.

It was pretty late when it was time for the party. Fourth promised Gemini to pick him up and Gemini was so excited to see how he looked. All his excitement was over the end when he heard a click from his phone.

my fourth
i just arrived
can't wait to see you, beautiful (:

Gemini screamed in shock and he started to panic.

"Chill dude, it's not your wedding! It's just a party!"

"Do i look good enough? Wait wait, give me the perfum-"

Mark quickly sprayed him his perfume and gave him the little handbag that he just got. Gemini started to run downstairs and finally let out a breath to calm himself down.

"I wonder how is he going to act when his wedding."

"Way worse than this."

Gemini opened the front door, and the continuation goes like, damn god.

Fourth was staying infront of his black car, checking his watch. He was wearing a black motherfucking suit and his new blue hair was styled very nicely. He was totally shining. Gemini couldn't help but to feel possessive when he thought how people were going to stare at his man.

Fourth looked up when he heard the door's opening, and he smiled at the view in front of him. He walked up to Gemini and grabbed his hand to kiss it.

Gemini held his neck with his both hands and kissed his lips.

"Oh my gosh, you look fucking stunning. I don't think I want to go there anymore. I want to keep all this beautiful baby to myself."

"Talk about yourself, Khun. You look breathtaking. We should recreate the day we've had before."

"Ah, which one? The one you couldn't stop moaning my name?"

"No, the one that you melted in my hands when.."

Gemini slowly got closer to whisper."

"When i gave you a handjob."

Fourth bit his lower lip and his hand traveled around Gemini's waist as he pulled him closer.

"Come on, princess, your ride is here."

"I prefer riding something else."

Said Gemini, before winking at Fourth and giving him a kiss on the lips.



Get yourself tissues before i update this again tomorrow because it is not gonna be good for your mental health...

freak | geminifourthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora