V. Hope For The Hopeless

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     "You're a terrible bowler

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"You're a terrible bowler."

     "You're literally the worst at bowling." Stiles and Hailey chorused as they and Scott tumbled out of the cafeteria into the hallway. The appalled other two looked to their best friend incredulously, in disbelief that he'd claimed to be a "good bowler" when they both knew he wasn't.

Scott groans loudly, "I know! I'm such an idiot."

     "God, it was like watching a car wreck." Stiles blabbered off, "I mean, first, it turned into the whole group-date thing, and the out of nowhere comes that phrase—"

     "Shut up." Hailey groans, punching him in the shoulder, making him wince and glare back at her.

     Scott tips his head back, rolling his eyes so hard they're all sure they're going to fall out of his head. "Hang out." He repeats in embarrassment.

     "You don't 'hang out' with hot girls, okay? It's like death. Once it's 'hanging out', you might as well be her gay best friend." Stiles gives him a snide look, "You and Danny can start hanging out." He snarks, a smirk on his lips.

     "That's what you guys are to me." Hailey tacked on, earning glares from each boy.

     Scott, who's begun to veer off topic as he pulls the three of them back into the topic they were discussing before their lunch was intercepted, "How is this happening? I either killed a guy, or I didn't."

     "I don't think Danny likes me very much..." Stiles remarked to himself.

"I ask Allison on a date, and now we're 'hanging out...'."

"Am I not attractive to gay guys?"

"I make first line, and the team captain wants to destroy me, and now..."

Hailey whips her head around between her two best friends like a bobble head, her eyes buggy as she tried to keep up with the two separate conversations happening, "What the hell are you two on about?"

"Now I'm gonna be late for work." Scott whines with a sigh, rushing for the door, his backpack jumping up and down as he ran off. Hailey rolled her eyes, a headache forming in her temple from the utter stupidity of her friends. She really needed to make new ones, Jesus Christ.

"Wait, Scott you didn't—" Stiles called out after him, a desperate look on his pale face, "—am I attractive to gay guys?" He threw his arms up as the werewolf disappeared from the school hallway, "You didn't answer my question!"

Hailey stared at him with a baffled expression on her face as she raised her brow to his bothered expression. "How you make it through day to day will never cease to amaze me."

With a roll of her eyes, she turned pushing through the hallway to the front of the schoolyard, her phone now pulled from her pocket to her hand. One message from her father. Nothing from Jenny... great. Hailey tucks her phone away again and tries to shove away the nerves eating away at her stomach as she moved to her father's red car, idling on the sidewalk.

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