Skirk: Got it.

Jing liu: Alright.

Both summon their weapons as they rush towards the hydra as Jing liu accelerate her speed move behind white head hydra monster as Izuku predicted the yellow hydra turn its attentions towards her opening its Jaws ready to devour her whole but fortunately before the hydra could swallow her Skirk appeared in time kick it on the face giving Jing liu the chance she need to cut white hydra head off and in a swift moment-.


Jing liu elegantly slash the head and neck to pieces destroying the hydra chance to heal or regenarate.

Izuku: Now the chance to defeat it cannot heal himself since their healer is down!.

Shigure: (smirk) Yosha!.

Rokurou: I've been waiting for you to say that Master!.

Payne: Alright we must not let Shishou down!.

Frederica cast buff enchantment magic to everyone as Izuku summon his two sword as his body has been enchanted by Frederica. Dreg took out his dagger use [Super Acceleration] appearing beside the hydra and continue slashing at high speed with precise accuracy meanwhile Payne with his two elder brothers are clashing their swords and blocking some of the attacks but unlike before it was quite more easier.

Shigure using his sword proficiency swug his katana making all the hydra head back then suddenly Izuku appeared behind their head used the sword creating energy slash causing the hydra cried pain after that Jing liu rushing to the black head hydra deciding to cut it to pieces but caught off guard by the sudden head eyes shines causing to look directly.

Izuku: Shit Jing liu!.

In second Jing liu nose bleed a lot of blood as she falls to the ground with satisfied smile on her faces while her checks blush deeply making Izuku look at her weirdly.

Izuku: Ok?, what just happened.

Skirk took the opportunity of black hydra head guard are lower using her mastery of dagger cutting it to pieces as Izuku activated [Gate of babylon] shoot all out of weapon as projectiles causing multiple explosion as he roar.

Izuku: Now Shigure! Rokurou! use both of your swords art of our sect!.

Two figure appeared above him with giant katana above their head while they maintain their smirks.

Shigure: (Smirk) Can you keep up?.

Rokurou: (Smirk) Do you need to ask.

Shigure&Rokurou: [Mystic Arte: Rangetsu Eagle!].

Both of them performed overhead slash and slashing across the black hydra head killing as Izuku impressive of their growth.

Izuku: Splendidly done for the both of you mastering your won fighting style!.

Izuku summon a golden katana as he concentrated with his aura flare around him.

Izuku: Now let the teacher do the work.

[Gate of babylon] manifest above the hydra raining down a lot of projectiles stabbing some part of the hydra while the rest stab to the ground.

Izuku: Kuhh~.

Breathing out smoothly as his muscle started to relax then he bend down to his knees while holding his sword back as he performed iaido stance closing his eyes calming himself down and leaving mind blank while imaginate himself melting into puddle of water as an image of a water droplet falls creating a ripples.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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