Chapter 8

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Izuku: Watch out!.

Jumping out of the away dodging the breath attack from the hydra while Jing liu effortless cut all of the fireball send towards her as Skirk jumb behind it slashing with her daggers causing it to cried out of pain.

She avoid the yellow hydra head Jaws pouncing on her as a white head hydra appear use its power as it health bar returned back normal as all of the injuries disappear like it was never appeared before.

Payne: It heal itself back again.

Shigure: Damn this is one tough lizard.

Rokurou: No matter how we cut the head multiple it regenerate back.

[Hydraking Guardian]


Titles: King of Hydra, Guardians Realms

Rank: Peak-Foundation spirit

Str: A

Agi: A

Dur: A

Int: A+

Izuku: Hmm~.

Izuku was analysing the Monster every single move and every single attack noticing it something weird around it but confirmed it making his eye narrow.

Izuku: Payne.

Payne: Hai Shishou!?.

Izuku: Could your party hold it off.

Payne: For how long?.

Izuku: I say 3-5 minutes could you hold that long?.

Payne: No problem cause I'm your discipline after all!.

Izuku: Good now go hold it off I'm analysing it.

Payne: Understood Shishou.

Izuku: Shigure and Rokurou both you join in as well.

Shigure&Rokurou: Understood!.

Both of them follow Payne behind with their giant katana on their shoulder as Jing liu and Skirk move beside looking at the hydra.

Jing liu: So you're not giving us order as well.

Izuku: Huh?! Oh yeah I forgot you two were here.

Skirk: (Pisses) What is that supposed to mean.

Both of them smile sweetly as tick mark appeared on their forehead while Izuku busying watching the hydra noticing it's moving in pattern and rythm for example the yellow is guarding or tanking all of the attack only attack when the person get to near with the white one, while the white colour head always appeared when their in lowest health and heal them, while each other coloured like Red, Blue, Green and Brown represents elements such as fire, water, wind and earth. Finally the black hydra always watching so Izuku doesn't know what it has in its sleeve but have a gut feeling it's a troublesome as the other.

Izuku: I got it.

Jing liu: That fast?.

Skirk: As expect from a genius martial artist.

Izuku: Your flattering me but anyways it understood it movement is like a pattern and in rythm.

Jing liu: Really?.

Skirk: Never noticed I thought it was being in defense all the time.

Izuku: Anyway let kill the white coloured and be careful with black one cause it never attack even once.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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