I look at him in confusion. "I swear you be wanting to start with me cause no one else seems to care. If you wanted some attention, you could've spoke up too", I point out and he huffs.

   I couldn't read his expression as he walks over to me. He stands over me, lifting my chin up to look at him. "You gone have that attitude with me all weekend?"

   The question lingered. We haven't spoken in almost five months yet he still has this effect on me. "Yup", I turn my head away from him and he chuckles.

   "We'll see about that", he says finally before walking out. I stay in the same point, wondering why that left me flustered. I hate him. Maybe I should've just shared a room with Rena, something tells me this wouldn't be our last run in.


       All of us stand outside in a circle. I'm standing outside of it, not wanting to bother the rotation. I have a drink in my hand so I wasn't interested in smoking. We all were catching up, with our swim gear on to get inside the pool or jacuzzi. I'm planning on hopping in the jacuzzi, it wasn't that hot outside to be out here in cold water.

    "What's the nastiest thing y'all ever done", Cameron, one of our friends prompts. Everyone gets quiet, actually taking the time to think about it. "The car", one of the girls say plainly. I didn't know much about her, this is my first time meeting her.

   Rena scrunches up her face, "Baby that's the most basic shit, but maybe this is based off personal opinion". I hit her shoulder and she looks at me wondering why I did that. Everyone laughs agreeing, "Mines would probably be the study room at my school"

    "Bitch don't they have cameras in there", I look at her in shock and she shrugs.

   "I needed that nut"

  I shake my head as people continue to go around. "Vonate man, I know you done did some shit", Mani signals that it's his turn.

   Vontae laughs, glancing at me. "Snuck in one of the ballrooms at a hotel", everyone looks at him crazy while my mind automatically goes to flashbacks. That was a hell of a night. "You remember right?", he looks over at, smirking.

   "I ain't know you was getting down like that Kendra", Jasmine, another one of my friends looks at me surprised. We've known each other since high school but everyone has this innocent perception of me. That's mostly due to the fact that I don't go around bragging on my sex life. Vontae brought a whole different side of me, some shit that I still process til this day.

    I just smile, hoping the attention would move on to someone else. Eventually, the topic shifts and the bottle starts being passed around. We pour up another shot, dancing to the music playing on the speaker.

   I drop my cover-up and step inside the jacuzzi. "Of course your old ass rushing over there", Mani jokes and I flick the middle finger at him.

   "It feels good as fuck too", I retort, relaxing in the water. I close my eyes, becoming accustomed to the warmth. Feeling the water move, I peek an eye open to see Vontae struggling not to fall over the small steps. "Can't even relax in peace", I mumble and he grins.

    "This is for everyone"

I straight-face him, "You don't even like hot water, dummy"

   Vontae smiles, "awe not you remembering shit about a nigga"

      I side-eye him, trying not to smile at his antics. "Stop talking to me", it came out jokingly but I'm serious.

   "You look good", he comments, ignoring my previous statement. "That ain't nothing new though, always do"

   I look away, this man must want me to pounce on him. "Vontae, for real", I say and he stares at me.

  "Kendra", he mocks my tone. He bites his lips, looking me up and down.

  "You're high"


  "So you just saying shit"

  He looks at me with annoyance. "Don't piss me off. Niggas keep a buck, drunk, high, sober. Ain't much of a difference for me and you know that", he emphasizes.

   "I have a man", I lie, knowing that wouldn't stop nothing.

  He looks around, pretending to search for something. Being the dramatic person he is, he stands up calling out. A bird flies, "Hey bird! Can you help me find a fuck to give?", he cuff his ear like he was actually waiting for a answer, like you would see in a show like Dora.

   "The fuck he got going", I hear one of the niggas behind us whisper and I break out into laughter. "That blunt was kinda strong", Mani tries to reason, making me go on the verge of tears.

   Rena scrunches up her face, "we need to go to hospital and shit. Ain't no weed have you calling out to birds mane"

    I struggle to stop laughing, "You are embarrassing yourself, stop".

    Vontae looks back at me, smiling. "Ain't no limits when it comes to mine. I have to make you smile at least one time tonight"

    "I'm not yours, Vonate", I stand. "Not anymore", I mumble, leaving the jacuzzi. I pick up my cover up off the back of the chair.


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