💮🐇008: This B😡tch...🐇💮

Start from the beginning

*Xiao was so fed up, with how Zi Xuan treated him, and how she saw him as nothing but a low life, and a stupid person, he couldn't take it anymore, that he let out his anger, by slapping her across the face, which left her stunned, because she didn't expect that to come from Xiao..*

*Xiao Zhan had hit a girl, it was his first time ever hitting, a girl, he was normally a kind person but he couldn't take being pushed down all the time, he always just tried to take everything and keep his mouth shut, but the way he was treated was starting to get on his last nerve, so he slapped Zi Xuan, without thinking twice about it, and just acted out of pure rage and anger...*

*Xiao Zhan had snapped after she made a comment about his mother, and this was his breaking point, as he couldn't take, the fact that Zi Xuan was now even targeting, his sweet mother, so he acted irrationally, and slapped Zi Xuan, and he thought that he would get away with it..*

*Xiao Zhan quickly regretted hitting Zi Xuan, as he heard her yell out for Yibo, while rubbing her face from the impact, Xiao Zhan was scared, because he knew, if Yibo was to find out about him hitting Zi Xuan, he would be in for a world of trouble..*

"Zi xuan, what is all the yelling for??" Yibo asked, walking in with a tired face because he just woke up.

"Xiao Zhan hit me! Just look at my face!" *Zi Xuan began to cry, as she showed Yibo her face, which was red and already had a few bruises appearing from, where she was slapped..*

"Why did he hit you?" Yibo asked calmly.

*Zi Xuan took a deep breath, and then let out a breath of frustration and anger, before she finally answered and said this..*

"He hit me because I called his mother a whore."

"Xiao zhan, hit her again." Yibo said calmly, not caring.

*Xiao was absolutely startled and shocked by this request, from Yibo, and his heart immediately dropped into his stomach, as he realized what Yibo was asking of him to do, as he slowly stood up, and then took the few steps over to Zi Xuan, and before she could even process what was happening, she was slapped back towards the bed, by Xiao Zhan..*

*Xiao's hand was shaking violently, as he began to get up from the bed, and he began to step towards her, feeling reluctant, and angry, as he had to do as Yibo said, and he slowly stepped towards her, as he felt his anger rising once again, as he slowly raised his hand towards Zi Xuan, and slapped her in the face once more.*

*Zi Xuan screeched, as she held onto her bruised face, with tears in her eyes, she looked at Xiao with hatred and anger, as she called out towards Yibo, begging him to just help her...*

Yibo told xiao zhan to stop now, she had learned her lesson.
Zi Xuan began to sob loudly, as she felt blood dripping from her broken nose, but she didn't care, she hated Xiao, so she didn't even bother trying to fix herself, she just waited for Yibo to come help her, which he did, as he took his time to slowly walk to her side, and sat with her, while she held her head, and sobbed...*

Xiao zhan felt a little bad for hitting her when she was defenseless.

"Stop crying, shut up." Yibo demands.

*Xuan Zi shut up immediately, after she saw how Yibo acted towards her, and she just sniffled and sniffled, as she attempted to stop crying, but her nose continued to bleed, and she looked down, to see blood dripping, and she couldn't help but sob once more, as she felt pain coming from, her face, which was now turning purple in hue..*

"Now go back to your room." Yibo urged xiao zhan.

"That is why you watch your mouth when you speak.." yibo said with a cold glare, leaving her in the room to go back to his office.

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