chapter 2: the next hunt

Start from the beginning

Cinder was unhappy about this and lowered her head.

Emerald looks at her in sympathy.

"Dr. Watts, you are to take Cinder's place and meet with our informant in Mistral," Salem ordered.

"Very good," Watts said.

"Tyrian, I want you to continue your hunt for the Spring Maiden," Salem said.

"Gladly," Tyrian said as he giggled.

"And Hazel, I'm sending you to the leader of the White Fang. Adam Taurus has arranged the meeting. The boy continues to prove loyal. Ensure that Sienna Khan feels the same," Salem said.

"As you wish," Hazel said.

"Razor, I want you and your men to accompany Hazel and ensure the success of the meeting with Sienna Khan," Salem commanded.

"Will do it," Razor said.

He then turned to his men and spoke, 「みんな、ヘイゼルに従え!」

Razor's men nodded in agreement and prepared to follow Hazel's lead. They understood the importance of the mission and were determined to fulfill their orders.

Cinder then raised her finger, which Emerald failed to notice for a moment.

"Oh!" she said before leaning on Cinder to listen.

After hearing the words, Emerald straightened.

"Speak, child," Salem asked.

"She wants to know... What about the girl and the cybernetic man?" Emerald asked.

Watts scoffed at the demand. "What about them? It seems to me that this is Cinder's problem, not ours."

Razor then impaled one of his mantis blades into the table and leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "But they could be a threat to our plans," he growled. "We can't afford to ignore them."

Salem's gaze shifted from Emerald to Cinder, her expression unreadable. "Razor has a point," she finally said, her voice laced with authority. "Tyrian?" Salem said to him.

"Yes, my lady?" Tyraine said with open ears.

"Spring can wait. Find the two who did this to Cinder," Salem commanded.

Tyrian began to giggle excitedly and started to clap.

"And bring them to me alive," Salem clarified.

Tyrian groaned in disappointment, pouted for a second, then looked back up at Salem with an acquiescent shrug.

"Because of your efforts, Beacon has fallen. And Haven will be next," Salem said.

Meanwhile, in a forest in remnant, V, Johnny, Jaune, and Pyrrha were crouched behind a log, waiting for the signal to move forward.

As they waited, they heard Nora and Ren arguing with one another.

"I'm just sayin'...there's more members of JNPR in this team than RWBY. It just makes sense to go with that one," Nora explained.

"I don't think we can create a team name with just the initials," Ren countered. "Besides, RWBY is a more recognizable and marketable name. It's better for our image."

Just then, Johnny grabbed a rock and threw it at them, which hit Ren on the shoulder.

"Wo!" Ren turned towards Johnny, rubbing his shoulder in annoyance. "What was that for?" he asked, clearly irritated.

Johnny threw his arms up and spoke, "I'm sorry, your conversation was getting on my nerves, and I couldn't help myself. But seriously, why are you arguing about team names? Can't you just pick one and move on?"

V in Rwby part 3Where stories live. Discover now