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that's right... Food.
I need food.

I began to use the stick as a support, and hurried to my house, making sure to not wake anyone up.
No one will realise, right..?
No one.

[SIGN: the HIREISANO family]

AHH. The HIREISANO family. Also known as Hirosano.
It wasn't a common family name at all. Sounds pretty fake, and I can't blame them.
I got to my door. Obviously it wasn't never is.

The wheezy smell of sake filled my lungs as I smelt the house. M∅m must've been drinking again... That isn't good. I looked for what I could find, and I managed to get some rice balls. These should do...

Then... I heard thuds.

IT WAS 6@d.


I dropped the stick and took the rice balls, and ran. Ran as much as I could. I could hear him shout in the distance... But I'll be fine. I ran and ran and ran and ran. Ran as fast as my weak legs could. I was scared out of my poor 4 year old...could you even imagine how scared I was back then?...

It wasn't nice.

I don't want to play the game of life anymore.

But I can't gamble it away! Not at the young age of 4...

After a while, I reached my shelter again. It isn't the best dealership household... Or whatever, but wasn't in scraps, at least. I sat down, and began to eat the rice balls. God..I can't remember the last time I ate.

You see, it wasn't nice in my family.

Sister dead, Brother abusive, 6@d abusive... And after M∅m started to drink, she stopped caring for me and became abusive. The last fight that you have seen was the last stare for her. She couldn't stand it any more.

Not anymore.

Not anymore.

Not anymore.

Not anymore.


This isn't fair...


But it's finel I'm fine. I'm always fine. I always tend to say that to myself, but it doesn't work.

Everyday was living hell.

Brother would chip my teeth off, because he thinks I am a killer with them... 6@d would beat me would throw the bottles of sake at me. I think my hearing has got worse ever since... But that isn't my problem now. Or ever...

At least that's what I thought.

as soon as I finished eating, I had to wait out the horrible nights in the forest. Eventually they would let me back in. "I was so lucky" they told me. Yeah. I was. I got a one way ticket to hell.

In those times I thought of new things so I wouldn't be noticed. A new breathing pattern to be even more quiet... A new way to stop my eye for twitching... A new way of walking so they wouldn't notice me.

"But Daiki, shouldn't they do the changing? Why do you need to change?"

Because I need to be Perfect.

My eye twitching hasn't got any better. One time, two times, it's a bad habit. No, it isn't from trauma. At least I hope so. I heard that Deku, the #1 best hero used to have anxiety. I'm not sure if that's true though, otherwise he wouldn't seem courageous all the time, right?

That's right. I am also a fanboy. Not of Deku, but, well... Yeah. GREAT EXPLOSION MURDER GOD: DYNAMIGHT
He's one of my favourites, I don't know why. He seems cool.

It was night time; my perfect time to enter the house again, and hope they don't notice me.
Since my legs haven't got any better, and it's been like, I don't know, 3 days, of course they will be sore. But that won't stop me. I can finally feel warm again,

A̶n̶d̶ s̶a̶f̶e̶.̶

Ahh. The queasy smell of sake and weed fills my nostrils. It isn't pleasant, no no no. Not at all.
It's awful.
Absolutely awful.
I open the door, and I make sure it looks casual. If I smell the weed and sake, I know my parents are probably in their own world. So if they don't see me, and they sober up again, they will likely forget that they even kicked me out in the first place.

Now, it's time to stay with the Hirosano family.

Daiki Hirosano's Guide on how to Overcome Trauma Where stories live. Discover now