Slugworth: "As a matter of fact, I do. That belonged to my brother, Zebedee."

Noodle: "Was he my father?"

Slugworth: "A hopeless romantic is what he was. Fell in love with a common little bookworm, died before they could marry. Leaving me sole heir to the family fortune. Or so I thought. But 9 months later, your mother turned up on my doorstep, begging me to get a doctor for her sick little newborn. I said I would help."

Noodle: "But you didn't. Did you?"

Slugworth: "Oh, no."

Noodle: "Instead, you put me down a laundry chute. Mrs. Scrubitt found me. She saw the ring. Thought it was an 'N', and called me Noodle. But it wasn't. It was 'Z', for Zebedee."

Slugworth: "Well, quite. When your mother returned, I told her you had died. She was heartbroken, of course. But, uh, I gave her a handful of sovereigns and had her escorted from my property."

Noodle: "What was her name?"

Slugworth: "Eh?"

Noodle: "My mom. What was her name?"

Slugworth: "Ooh. Let me see. Um...No, I don't think I could remember that.-*chuckles*-Sorry, but you have to understand, she was very poor.-*Fickelgruber gags*-Sorry, Felix."

Willy & I check the ledger for anything relevant that might've been recorded that year and find the answer to Noodle's question.

Willy: "Her name was Dorothy."

Me: "Dorothy Smith. It says so right here."

Noodle: *chuckles* "Dorothy?"

Willy: *chuckles* "Well, what do you know? I guess you did teach us to read after all."

Slugworth: "Well, this is all very touching, but back to business."

Fickelgruber: *takes ledger* "We'll take that, thank you."

Slugworth: "How much chocolate do you have at your factory, Mr. Fickelgruber?"

Fickelgruber: "Oh, about 80,000 gallons."

Slugworth: "Prodnose?"

Prodnose: *mumbles* "75?"

Slugworth: "And I've got 150. That should be enough."

Noodle: "For what?"

Slugworth: "Death by chocolate."

So, the three chocolate makers send us into the chocolate vault.

Willy: "Uh, gentlemen? Considering the situation, I wondered if you'd do a good deed on my behalf."

Fickelgruber: "A what?"

Prodnose: "A good deed. It's a sort of pointless act of selflessness..."

Slugworth: "Yes, of course, Mr. Wonka. What would you like us to do?"

Willy: "I was wondering if you could give this to someone. Only if you happen to see him."

Slugworth: "And who is it?"

Me: "A little orange man."

Slugworth: "Eh?"

Willy: "A little orange man. About 8 inches high, with orange skin and bright green hair. We owe him a jar of chocolates, you see. And, well..."

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