Start from the beginning

"Aw, shit." Jackson's dad said "it's five o clock. Twilight is upon us." the women shared, as her and the others walked further in "twilight? What the hell does that mean?" Jackson asked "yeah, what's going on?" Miguel asked "uh, I had to sublet the dojo for a few hours. Just till we get more students." Jackson's dad shared "we need to change the energy in here." the women said, as three of them put up a sign that said, namaste, as they all then grabbed mats rolling them out "oh, so you rented it to a bunch of yogis." Jackson realized, as him and Miguel turned walking off, Jackson's dad followed them.

The next day, Miguel had pads on as Jackson was throwing punches at him "what's the second rule of the way of the fist?" Jackson's dad asked them "strike hard." Jackson and Miguel told him, as Jackson spun around throwing a kick at Miguel, Miguel moved back "that's right." Jackson's dad told them, as Jackson began throwing punches again "there's only one reason to hit someone. To inflict pain. Striking hard is about giving your all." Jackson's dad shared, and as he did, the door opened as he looked away from them "what the hell?" he asked, as Jackson waved his hand, Miguel put down the pads, he turned around looking at what Jackson and his dad were which happened to be Aisha.

"No, yoga till five. No matter how bad you need it." Jackson's dad told her "um, I'm actually here for karate. Someone had been putting notes in my locker everyday to check out the website, and when I checked it out, I realized it only could've been you doing it Jackson. And it said there was supposed to be a session today." Aisha shared "I appreciate you coming in but there are no girls in cobra kai." Jackson's dad shared, as Jackson and Miguel furrowed their brows looking to him for different reasons "why not?" Aisha asked "same reason there aren't women in the army. It doesn't make sense." Jackson's dad said.

In which Jackson laughed "okay, um, Aisha will you give us a minute?" he asked "a minute? Why do we need a minute?" Jackson's dad asked him "because I need to talk to you in your office." Jackson told him, as he turned walking off the mat, so did his dad, as the two then bowed and turned heading inside of it, his dad sat down on his on his desk, while Jackson stayed standing "don't you give me the sexist bullshit too. I'm just saying that women aren't meant to fight. They have tiny, hallow bones." his dad told him "oh my god." Jackson voiced, as he ran his hands through his hair, and took a deep breath "remember back when we thought the dojo was over and I was telling you that how even if we didn't have Miguel, I knew this girl at my school who would be a good fit for our dojo?" he asked.

"Yes, but this isn't a knitting class. This is a dojo." his dad told him "and at the time you didn't listen to this part but people at school make fun of her and call her names." Jackson mentioned "that's what happens when you eat a box of Twinkies every day." his dad told him, causing Shawn to huff "okay, um, but..but the part that you did remember from the conversation was how she was rich! And she want's to pay you, yet because of you gender your gonna let all those dollars just walk right back out that door?" he asked him, as his dad nodded, he got off his desk and turned walking out as Jackson followed him.

"Ok, take off your shoes hop on the mat. Miguel step off." Jackson's dad told them, as Miguel walked off and over to Jackson, while Aisha took her shoes off and stepped onto the mat, Jackson's dad walked up to her "ok, after further review, I've decided to allow female students. But if you wanna be a cobra kai you can't act like a girl." Jackson's dad told her "what do you mean? How do girls act?" Aisha asked "oh, don't give me that. All emotional, loud, complainy. Never letting you finish a sentence." Jackson's dad shared 'well, I know a few guy who act just.." Aisha was telling him.

"Quiet!" Jackson's dad yelled, as Aisha stopped, Jackson's dad began to pace "my student tells me you've been harassed at school." he told her "yeah. Mostly online. Um, I get mean texts and emails sent to me. Makes me not wanna go." Aisha shared "and who send's you these messages?" Jacksons' dad asked "well, they're mostly anonymous. These kids create fake accounts, and they tell me thing's like I'm ugly and that I should kill myself." Aisha shared, Jackson and Miguel's eyes went wide, as Jackson's dad stopped in front of her "oh my god. A bunch of pussies." he voiced, as he began pacing again.

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