Cold Crisis, While on This Ferris Wheel

Start from the beginning

Stapy grabbed onto the hill and started to push himself forwards as well, "W- Why even... Why even Ice Cube anyways..." he asked as they both climbed, "WHY Ice Cube!? Because she's AWESOME!!" she exclaimed, "You've asked me this before! I thought I had made it pretty clear!"

"Yeah, yeah, but... why is she awesome to you?" Stapy asked, curious. Bracelety gasped, "It OFFENDS me that you have to ask that question!"

"I wanna hear your thorough breakdown, gotta hear it from the Ice Cube expert in the flesh, you know?" Stapy told her, somewhat jokingly.

Bracelety paused her climbing motions and gazed at the starry night sky for a while, reflecting not only on the question, but on her idol. It's not often she had to remind herself why she got so attached to her, it's a feeling that's hard, if not impossible, to put into words. "W- Well..." another pause filled in the gap, "...She's timid, but brave when the situation calls for it"


"She's... clever, she's heroic, she's... perfect! She can stand up to herself and stare right at destiny's eyes, even if destiny has it out against her, she FIGHTS destiny and then she BEATS it!" Bracelety raised her fist up in the air as she rambled, "She's everything I've ever aspired to be!"

"Do you think destiny... has it out for her?" Stapy questioned, "I mean, I don't know her well so-"

"DEFINITELY!" Bracelety interrupts him, leaning towards him aggressively, "Do you KNOW who's got the most deaths in BFDI history!?"

"Is it not Bubble?" Stapy asks before pushing himself a bit further up the rocky hill, groaning in the process. "NO!" Bracelety quickly corrected him, "It's her! To the hands of a so-called prank, she died and revived in a loop for a month straight!"

"Oh... Liy would hate that-"

"BUT THAT'S NOT ALL!" Bracelety interrupts yet again, "She's been mistreated by her peers for long! Pencil, Match, Pin, Leafy... the universe won't stop throwing punches her way, and yet... THERE SHE STANDS! Resilient! I admire her! ...I think she deserves more admiration, she DESERVES to know she's doing great! She deserves someone that can tell her that! That won't treat her badly for once..."

Stapy couldn't help but draw some parallels, "...At least she wasn't trapped in a tiny algebra classroom for who knows how long..." he said. Bracelety remained silent at his response, resuming her climbing efforts. Her hitchhiking partner kept talking, "I don't know man, doesn't seem like nearly good enough of a reason to not being physically able to stop talking about her" he expressed his opinion.

Bracelety glanced at him, "What do you mean? How is it not?"

"You don't understand Bracelety" Stapy looked back at her, "Your EXISTENCE is Ice Cube! You should've heard how much you talked about her down in the EXIT for all those years!" he argued, before mocking her demeanor "Oh Ice Cube this! Oh Ice Cube That! Ice Cube is awesome! Did you know Ice Cube won BFDIA 6 all by herself? I love Ice Cube so much my bones hurt!"

"H- HEY!"

"What, am I wrong?" Stapy asked. Bracelety simply looked forwards and continued climbing over the hill, choosing not to engage, but Stapy pressed on, "She won't even acknowledge you! I think you should start considering trying to find who you are instead of basing your entire being on someone who doesn't even-"

"Don't say that as if I haven't heard it before" Bracelety interrupted him in a strangely assertive tone for someone like her, "As a matter of fact, stop talking"

Stapy looked a bit taken back by her sudden attitude, uncharacteristic of her, and decided to not talk any further.

The pair continued to climb in awkward silence until they got over the rocky hill, which happened to be the last one before finally reaching Goiky's grasslands.

Cold Crisis, While on This Ferris WheelWhere stories live. Discover now