Cold Crisis, While on This Ferris Wheel

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It's not been long at all.

But freedom... freedom was nice.

Bracelety had forgotten, once more, what it felt like to be roaming out there. For the longest time she was relegated to staying inside crammed-up metal boxes, or classrooms with people she had to get along with eventually. Then again, Bracelety had a hard time getting along with anybody, really, and it's not like she could blame it on anyone but herself.

But she didn't care, or at least she pretended not to, or perhaps she even forgot how to care in the first place, it's the kind of things one needs to do to keep yourself sane and ready to go at it.

That didn't really matter though, the important part for Bracelety is that, when she and the others fled the EXIT and Four stopped being possessive of them, the dream of getting to see Ice Cube again seemed more real than ever.

Many of the other EXITors seemed contempt settling down in wherever they had spawned, apparently many things went on in the time period they were captured for, including some sort of split and even a location change far away from Goiky.

Bracelety had other plans though, as soon as she had the chance, she asked one of the former contestants how to get to Goiky.

"Across the hills, past the rocky mountains! I'm not completely willing to give you my dear ally's SuperVan though, sorry!"

"Uh... Fine! I can walk over there!" Bracelety replied.

Stapy on the other hand, who was by her, had second thoughts, "Uh... Not so sure anymore... How far is it?"

Ruby pondered, placing her hand in her chin, "It wasn't that long of a ride when we went over there... I reckon you should get there by night time"

Stapy sighed, "Oh man... That's so much hopping"

"You can do whatever you want Stapy! I'm going!" Bracelety began to storm away, "Thank you Ruby!"

"No problem, whoever you are!" Ruby told her as she saw Bracelety take her leave, completely unfamiliar with the fangirl despite them competing in the same show. Stapy glanced behind him and then back at Ruby, "I uh, thank you!" he said before deciding to follow Bracelety home.

"Kinda problem, but you're welcome, good luck!" Ruby said as she waved at the two as they took their leave.

Stapy caught up to Bracelety as they walked towards the hills of The Pillary Ruins, the two would occasionally share chatter, but it was mostly silence as they made their way towards Goiky, where they assumed the other show they had heard of would be taking place in. As the sun flew closer to the horizon, Stapy couldn't help but notice that, despite the amount of time they had walked for and the distance traveled, Bracelety looked just as determined and cheerful as she was when they took off.

He panted, his hops getting weaker, no matter how strong his motivation to see Foldy again was, the physical strain eventually catches up to one, "How... huff, how come you're not tired?" he asks while glancing to his side, "Tired?" The silicone girl replied with another question, "I FEEL GREAT!"

Stapy looked startled by her smile, who shined bright despite the moon's reflection being the only source of light, "Great, you say?" he keeps questioning, "YEAH! I'm- I'm gonna get to see ICY again! Unless she's eliminated... b- but that won't happen because she's TOO AWESOME to be eliminated! She's got it in the bag!"

Stapy sighs, tired, he engages further, "I get your excitement but... we've been walking and climbing hills for hours..."

"THE MORE WE WALK THE MORE EXCITED I GET! YEAH!!" Bracelety shouted as she grabbed onto the rocky hill below them with both her arms, slowly climbing it, it wasn't nearly as steep as others they had passed by so far.

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