S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 1

Start from the beginning

The Tardis has parked herself between a telephone junction box and a road sign, by park railings. Never Can Say Goodbye is playing somewhere.

"It's so weird. The day my father died. I thought it'd be all sort of grim and stormy. It's just an ordinary day." Rose says to the two after they have all left the box.

"The past is another country. 1987's just the Isle of Wight." the Doctor informs her.

" Are you sure about this?" the Captain asks looking at her.

"Yeah." she answers looking back at the man and nodding her head.


The three walk to the street that Rose's dad died on.

"This is it. Jordan Road. He was late. He'd been to get a wedding present, a vase. Mum always said, that stupid vase." Rose tells the men, as the Doctor stands on one side of her and the Captain on the other side.

A green van comes around the corner. 

"He got out of his car." Rose says as the three watch as the car pulls up to the kerb. "And crossed the road... Oh, God. This is it." The Doctor holds one hand while the Captain takes a hold of her other.

They watch the man leave his car as a beige car comes round the corner and drives straight into Pete, as it crashes into the man the driver shields his face and continues down the road leaving Pete and the broken vase in the middle of the road. Rose hides her head behind the Doctors back to not watch the incident happen.

"Go to him. Quick." the Doctor tells Rose. She just stands there watching as her father dies.


The three lean against a wall round the corner from the accident as sirens approach the scene.

"It's too late now. By the time the ambulance got there, he was dead. He can't die on his own. Can I try again?" Rose asks with tears in her eyes.


The Doctor, Captain and Rose look round the corner to see themselves by the kerbside

"Right, that's the first you and us. It's a very bad idea, two sets of us being here at the same time. Just be careful they don't see us. Wait till she runs off and they follow, then go to your dad." the Doctor tells Rose.

They watch as Pete parks at the kerb again.

"Oh, God. This is it." they hear the Rose who is stood by the kerbside say.

"I can't do this." Rose tells the two men.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to, but this is the last time we can be here." the Captain tells her.

With hearing this Rose runs forward towards Pete as he leaves the car.

"Rose! No!" the Doctor shouts.

Rose dashes past her earlier self and pushes her father out of the path of the beige car. The vase rolls away, unbroken. The earlier Doctor, Captain and Rose watch on before vanishing.

"I did it." Rose smiles. The two men look on in horror. "I saved your life."

"Blimey, see the speed of it? D'you get his number?" Pete asks Rose.

"I really did it. Oh, my God, look at you, you're alive. That car was gonna kill ya!" Rose says pointing to where the car had gone.

"Give me some credit. I did see it coming. I wasn't gonna walk under it, was I?"

"I'm Rose."

"Oh, that's a coincidence, that's my daughter's name."

"That's a great name. Good choice. Well done." Rose smiles. The two smile and look at each other, before Pete looks over towards the Doctor and Captain.

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