Ignorance Is Powerful

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So what would Basil do?

Simple. Sunny wasn't moving away! He put that on his lawn to scare off other people. Basil was giving himself a helpful delusion, who knows what he would have done if he didn't...

Today, he was going to paint. He pulled out a clean, white canvas and a few paint bottles. Hmm... What to paint? Maybe... of Something. Yes, that'd be nice.

He poured a bit of black and red paint over the white painting, randomly shifting the paintbrush around to get certain shapes. He brushed it in more blobs. And more. And even more.

After a couple of tiring hours, he flopped on the ground, falling asleep.


Kel smiled as he got up from his bed. Hero was coming today! He coughed a little, noticing he slept with his binder. "Oops..." That wasn't very healthy. He quickly took it off. There was no way he was going to keep it on and break his ribs. He frowned a little as he saw his larger chest in the mirror.

Whatever. Kel wasn't going to let that ruin his day. He dressed up in a dark grey sweater with simple sweatpants.

He sniffed the air. It smelt of eggs and toast. But... he'd have to talk to talk with his parents. Suddenly, he wasn't so hungry. A quick knock hit the door, shaking Kel from his state. Hero was here! Kel ran down and opened the door, taking in the look of his brother.

He had shorter, shaggy hair, glasses, and a smile on his face. "Hey, Kel...! Miss me?" Kel nodded and hugged his brother as he entered the house.

The two hung out until the end of the day. The sun was slowly setting. Kel smiled. "Hero, let's go visit our friends!" Hero agreed after a bit and with that, they set off.

Kel pounded on Aubrey's door. She got out after a bit, dressed in pjs, Kim following behind. "...Kel, Hero?" After a bit of convincing, Kel managed to get Aubrey (and Kim) to follow them.

They then got Sunny. He looked quite shriveled but more awake. He slowly followed. 


Knocking on Basil's door, Kel and Sunny looked a little tense. Sunny was fidgeting with a little piece of paper in his hand and Kel looked unsure that Basil would open. Also because of... well, you know.

Polly opened the door, looking a little worried. "O-Oh, hello! You're Basil's friends, yes?" Kel nodded, smiling a little. "Yeah. We wanted to visit him today." Polly looked slightly relieved. "O-Okay, please come in. I-I'm actually a little worried- Bas hasn't come out of his room in a few hours..."

Sunny furrowed his brows in concern. Aubrey frowned a little and pulled Kim over to his bedroom door. "Basil? Basil! Hey... It's, uh Aubrey. A-And I brought my friend. Kim. Listen... I still care about you, okay? So open up." No response. She sighed and held Kim's hand while her friend tried to convince her it was nothing bad. Hero and Kel also tried, with no success.

Lastly, Sunny tried. But to everyone's surprise, he pulled out a knife and started to hack at the door's lock.

"Open... now, Basil." He mumbled loudly at the door, with no response. Eventually, he gave up on hitting the door. He just wasn't strong enough. Hero rubbed his shoulder in reassurance. "It's okay, Sunny! I have an idea, actually." He turned to face Polly. "Polly, could we stay the night? Sorry for asking so late, but I'd like to be there for Basil, and I'm sure everyone else too."

Polly nodded and smiled, relieved. "Yes, yes of course! I'll have the living room ready after dinner. It's almost ready anyway." She clasped her hands together and invited everyone to the table.


A/N: we're almost done with this Au!!!! It's been a massive rollercoaster with you guys! I love your support, and all the comments you guys leave, it is the only reason I haven't quit 🤭😭 Im predicting about 3-5 chapters left!

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