Penny walked in and looked around. Directly to the left of the door there were two shelves both with lego stuff on them. There was a bed to the left of the door, a desk at the foot of it, a door between. There was another desk on the back wall, next to a bed in the right corner. A dresser was to the right of the door, a door on the right wall. The wall behind the head of the beds was mostly windows. The bed to the left was a mess of bedding. The blanket half off the bed, the pillows scattered about. There were a few clothing items on the floor, and some posters on the left side of the room.

The bed on the right wall was empty as was the desk between the beds. There were a couple boxes at the end of the bed with her suitcase and duffle bag.

'It's good to be home,' Penny thought seeing the mess. She walked over to the empty bed and desk. She set her bag down on the desk.

"The door there at the end of your bed is the bathroom. The other is a closet. The right dresser drawers are empty for you, as is the right of the closet," Peter explained as he went to sit on his bed. That's how it always was. Peter gets the left and Penny gets the right. He knew it'd help her adjust to the new situation. She might not show it, but new stuff wasn't always her favorite.

Penny nodded. "Thank you."

"They brought in the bed and extra desk last week. I thought of putting bedding on the bed, but I wasn't sure if you had your own you wanted to use..." Peter trailed off.

Penny nodded. "I do. Thanks though. You know you didn't have to share your room with me. I'm sure this place has a few extra rooms. You don't always have to worry about how I feel."

"Nonsense," Peter said. "I wanted to bunk with you. Like we've done our whole lives. It's so nice to see you, and have you back. Also..." he trailed off as he stood back up. He walked over to the space right next to Penny's desk and pulled a curtain from the window. It divided the room. "We have this. Just in case we need a divider. It goes the length of the room." He pushed it back to the widow.

"Cool," Penny smiled.

"I'm gonna grab us something to snack on from the kitchen, I think I smelled baked goods," Peter said. "I'll be right back."

Penny gave a thumbs up as she started to look at her stuff. She started with her backpack. It had her essentials, like phone, charger, and medicine, as well as some desk stuff. She set everything out, putting it in its new specific spot. Laptop in the center of the desk. Pens and pencils in the drawer. And once the rest of her stuff got there she'd have a book holder and headphone stand, as well as two desktop organizers, and a book/file organizer that goes off the side of the desk. It was a pretty spacious desk, so it'll all fit. For now, since she doesn't have her organizers, she just seats her sketchbook and notebook in a stack on the right of her laptop, parallel with the edge of the desk.

By the time Penny finished with her desk, Peter was back with two plates. Each had one muffin and one cookie. Peter walked over and handed one of the plates to Penny.

"Here," He said. "Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barns made them."

Penny nodded. "Thanks."

"Desk looks nice."

"It'll look even better once the rest of my stuff is here."

Peter nodded. "Do you need any help with anything? Like putting away your clothes and stuff."

"Sure," Penny said. "You remember how I do it?"

"Yup! Socks and underwear in the top drawer, then shirts, pants, pjs, last cardigans and other special foldables. Dresses, skirts, and jackets in the closet. All color coded," Peter listed from memory.

"Yeah," Penny nodded. "Whereas you just throw whatever into whichever drawer," she teased. Peter rolled his eyes and shook his head, but had a smile on his face.

Time Skip

"And we're done," Penny said, sitting down on her freshly made bed.

"Finally," Peter sighed, flopping down on his bed.

Penny rolled her eyes a little, but also smiled. "Thanks for helping me, Pete."

"Anytime, Pen," Peter smiled over at his sister. He was so happy she was back! "Are you ready to actually meet everyone?"

Penny took a deep breath and sighed. "Yeah, okay. Sure. Let's get this over with."

Peter laughed a little as he stood up. "Come on," he said, grabbing Penny's hand.

They went back down to the common area. Everyone was back to doing their own thing. Tony wasn't there, so Peter guessed he went down to the lab. He looked over and saw Natasha and Clint chatting. He pulled Penny over to them, deciding to start with them.

"Hey, Mr. Barton, мама паук," Peter greeted.

"Hi, ребенок-паук (baby spider)," Natasha greeted back , as Clint said a simple hi.

Time Skip

Peter dragged Penny from person to person. Eventually they were to the last, Steve, Bucky, and Sam.

After chatting for a few minutes, Steve asked. "Any food restrictions or allergies? We try to keep a list on the fridge. I usually make breakfast. Dinner kinda bounces around."

"I'm allergic to shellfish," Penny said. "And, I'm lactose intolerant, but I still eat stuff with it. I just can't have too much," she shrugged a little.

Steve nodded, adding Penny and her food restrictions to the list on the fridge.

The Spider and his Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now