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Naiko Zera

"I am made of memories" I read the lines carefully, I still couldn't understand this book.

Hayst... I wish they are here to explain this stuff but I'm alone.

I'm happy to be alive even though my life was not that thrilling.

I grew up alone in this world, full of purple haired and green eyed mammals. Of course, they are humans, they are just different… I don’t know, my father told me that a different God made them somehow, or transformed them in whatever ways… it was. There are different Gods?

“Yeah, not just Jesus” Oh, I’m talking to myself again. I sigh and just sit down on the couch. “The world seems to fall apart when, you know…… Violetas arrive.”

Hayst… I should probably stop talking alone. My birthday is today and I hope my parents will come. Yeah I know I said I live alone yes but sometimes my parents comes by to take care of me or see me. They aren't really my parents… but they act like one. They aren't married... Or even.. inlove???

"Hmmmmm.. I should probably clean.." I got up, packed my cleaning materials. I just stopped in the middle of this house, oh... A ship! A toy ship!!? I've been looking for that in AGES.

I quickly ran over it and just rise it up. "I have a ship!!!" I shouted in the top of my lungs.

I ran around the house, it's not that big but it has an open second floor balcony. I don't know what it's called but it has railings and things. It's very open. It's my room, everyone can see me... If I'm not alone.

We lived in the mountains, my parents are rarely home because of work but yeah they managed to be present everyday, atleast one of them.

My mother's name is Harmonee, she's very sweet. She's building a sculpture in our garden, sometimes she hunts. She has work in other planets. Sometimes she's weird, she will suddenly talk out of nowhere. Now I get where my habits came from.

My father is the most beautiful man alive. Atleast in my eyes, he is. His name is Ganymede but sometimes he uses Warren. I don't know why, I don't even know where he works.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, time is ticking.

Is it my birthday today? 30th rotation of the second moon, Rebirth. Why exactly did they name it Rebirth? Could it be.... another fragment of a destroyed planet?

Someone's coming, I stayed silent to listen to the footsteps. I recognized it, it was Papa's footsteps. I quickly hid behind the sliding front door hoping to scare him.

One... Two.... Three... The door opened, I slightly squeaked in excitement.

"I know where you are." He said then I know I'm busted at this point.

"WAAAAAAA!!!!" I still did it anyways.

I fell down in front of him and he just stood there, watching me. "Ouch.."

"You're fine." Papa said as he walked straight to the kitchen and put down the aeroplastic bags.

I quickly stood up and went behind him for a hug. "Where have you been? I've been making paper stars for you."

"You know where I've been.." He coldly replied as he took the things out of the bags one by one. I just continued on embracing him.

"Get off me, child." He tried shaking me away but I resisted. He sighed in annoyance and walked around the kitchen with me clinging on his back.

"Did you do your assignments today?"  He questioned, his voice remained the same... Cold and tired. Like how he always sounds.

"Yes, I finished it and I even played some boats..." I didn't let go of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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