Chapter 3 - Introduce Herself

Start from the beginning

Instead of replying to her question, I just looked into her eyes with a sharp gaze, remaining silent. After a moment, I finally spoke up, saying, "You think I don't have the same opinion as you?"

As Danielle's face registered shock and annoyance, I couldn't help but feel a small flicker of satisfaction. She groaned and reached for her iPad, likely to look something up. Before she could fully process the situation, she exclaimed, "I'm super glad we're not in the same claaaaA WHAT-"

My eyebrows raised at her sudden shift in demeanor, and I interrupted her. "What's wrong?" I asked in a firm, slightly authoritative tone.

She looked at me expressionless for a moment, before finally speaking up. "I'm so unlucky today," she said with a scowl. "You're in the same class as me!" she exclaimed, sighing heavily in frustration. Her demeanor was a far cry from the confident, authoritative attitude she had put on earlier, and I couldn't help but wonder what had caused this sudden change.

I was at a loss for words, so I simply accepted her expectation and followed the flow. "I don't care as long as I don't have to sit beside you," I said firmly, my tone indicating that I was not open to conversation.

Her face looked extremely annoyed at the moment, and I couldn't deny the fact that she already disliked me, even though we barely knew each other. She began to speak with a tone of disdain, "Never, because there won't be empty seats beside me. I'm glad, and you should be grateful too."

I gritted my teeth and clench my fists, wanting to snap back at her but refraining from doing so. Instead, I simply replied with a deadpan look and said, "Haha, I'm so glad I don't have to sit beside you." My voice had a tone of sarcasm that was intended to let her know that I wasn't impressed with her attitude.

As she turns around and starts to walk away without telling me anything, I begin to walk behind her, struggling to keep up with her pace. I call out to her, "Please, could you slow down a bit? This isn't a running competition."

She completely ignores my plea and continues to walk at a brisk pace. I let out a sigh in defeat, realizing that there was nothing I could do to make her slow down. As we arrive at our class, she turns to face me briefly before walking in.

"You know what you're doing later," she says, her tone stern and serious. "Don't embarrass me in front of our classmates and teacher."

As Danielle turns back around to face me, I mock her silently, watching her with barely contained amusement. She opens the door and we walk inside, and everybody turns to look at me instead of Danielle. Do I look weird? What the hell are they looking at?

As we enter the classroom, the teacher is in the middle of teaching, but she stops when she sees Danielle walk in. "Oh Danielle? Why are you late?" the teacher asks her, and Danielle seems to shrink a bit, looking embarrassed.

Danielle replies, "My apologies for being late, Ms. Yeji. The headmaster was calling me to explain the situation with this new student."

Ms. Yeji nods slowly, her eyebrows raised slightly, then waves Danielle away. "I see, it's fine. You can take your seat," she says and Danielle walks off to find a seat.

Danielle's POV

"I really didn't enjoy this time explaining everything to the new student," I thought to myself as I walked towards my table. "Why did it have to be her? Being so rude as hell. Ugh! Why does it seem like everyone is going to be her!?"

"Wait, what the hell?" I thought to myself with a mix of surprise and frustration. "There's an empty seat beside me. Where's Hanni?"

Feeling a wave of nerves, I sat down in my chair as the new girl stood in front of everyone, looking like an idiot.

My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden realization. "No- I don't care if she's there, but what I care about now is why Hanni is sitting beside Yunjin?! Is she doing that on purpose and left this empty table? Why would this bad luck happen to me right now?! God damn it."

I shifted my attention to Haerin and Ms. Yeji as they spoke in low tones. Oh? Haerin looks tall from afar, I didn't realized she's that tall. Otherwise, I wasn't able to understand what they were saying, but Haerin then turned her gaze towards us.

"I'm Kang Haerin, and I'm new here," she said in a professional tone with a neutral expression. "I hope everyone can accept who I am here," she continued.

As Haerin finished her introduction, I could hear the rest of the class whispering among themselves. Some of the girls in front of me began to talk in a whisper tone, with one of them saying, "Haerin,You can sit beside me!" Are they interested in Haerin or what?

The group of boys in the back also seemed to take notice of Haerin, and I could see them looking at her. I started to feel uneasy, with a sense that something was off.

Haerin remained stoic and didn't show any reaction to the girl's suggestion. After a moment of tension, Ms. Yeji interjected, saying, "Kang Haerin, I think you should sit beside Danielle. It appears that everyone wants you to sit with them. Since Danielle is the president of the Council and class president, she can also serve as a mentor to you. Please take your seat."

Haerin took a moment to consider the advice, while Ms. Yeji seemed pleased with her decision.

The class had now quietened down, and there was an expectation in the air for Haerin to take a seat. Haerin appeared to be struggling with the decision, but eventually, she chose to sit beside me.

As soon as Ms. Yeji made her comment, I quickly stood up and raised my hand. "Ms. Yeji! I don't think Haerin wants to sit with me haha-" I said with a sense of certainty.

Ms. Yeji seemed surprised at my words and turned to me, asking with a hint of concern.

"What do you mean? Haerin is fine with it, right Haerin?" She then turned to face Haerin directly, waiting for a response.

"Please Haerin, please say no. I really don't want her to sit beside me," I said under my breath, as Haerin remained silent with a blank expression.

However, to my dismay, she turned to address Ms. Yeji and said, "Yes, I don't mind."

"Oh my goodness," I thought to myself in dismay as Haerin spoke up, agreeing to sit beside me. "What's wrong with her? She knows exactly what she's doing. I can't stand her right now."

It was clear that my emotions were affecting my ability to focus on the rest of the lesson, and I couldn't shake the feeling of unease as I sat beside Haerin for the rest of the class.

Ms. Yeji asked Haerin to take her seat beside me, and Haerin walked towards me and took a seat in the empty chair beside my chair.

I clenched my fists tightly, refusing to look in her direction. I noticed that the girls in front of us were now watching Haerin, and I felt a sense of frustration building up inside me.

At this point, the class was starting to move on, and I had to quickly refocus my attention on the lesson in order to not fall behind. However, the thought of Haerin sitting beside me was distracting me, and I couldn't help but feel angry and resentful towards her.


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