Origin of Hadithia - Part 4

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Oshun had heard many prayers, blessings and even enchantments recited before, practicing a blessing of her own for Obatala's upcoming coronation. But this one felt strange...and dangerous. The unintelligible sounds felt almost like they were clawing at her ears from the inside. She knew that interrupting even the purest of rituals could end in disaster, so she waited until his chanting melded into a soft hum before bursting out to question him. She did not hear the cruel laughter that echoed from the darkness as she moved.

"Uncle!" Oshun shouted, stumbling to a stop where the green light of the portal reached. "What is going on?"

Kibaraki stopped humming and looked at Oshun in shock. She looked wild with the green light illuminating her dark skin, leaves and twigs caught in her curls. So, I was being followed, Kibaraki thought. Throughout the trek he was certain he could sense someone, but a few spritely foxes seemed to be the cause of his paranoia each time he looked back. Clever girl. He was proud of her improved tracking skills and almost cracked a smile, but he was more terrified for her safety.

"Oshun! My darling, you have to get away from here!" Kibaraki shouted. He eyed her proximity to the edge of the green light in fear. According to the ritual, once the moon moved to its next position, any being within the green light would be pulled away forever.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on! I don't like this....this thing. What are you doing?"

"Darling, please, please, you have to go!" Kibaraki pleaded.

Suddenly, a figure broke through the brush and tumbled into Oshun's legs. Coming up right behind was Hasani and Ayao, with Hasani struggling through the vines as Ayao gracefully stepped through. Her gaze turned icy when she met eyes with Kibaraki. The figure that bumped into Oshun unfolded itself to reveal an out of breath Obatala.

"Osh! Osh I finally found you!" he said, taking her hand to pull himself up. He took a moment to brush the debris off her shoulders and take her face in his hands to look into her eyes. Oshun's expression was always guarded and indiscernible to everyone but Obatala, but anyone would be able to see the panic now rising in her large eyes. He turned slowly, taking in the surroundings, his parent's expressions behind him, and finally Kibaraki and the glowing portal. From the coloring and the runes he saw in the mud, he knew what type of spell this was...and that something was wrong with it.

"Uncle! Uncle, just...just come over here. I don't know what you're trying to do, but you don't want to mess with that kind of magic." Obatala said, pushing his twin behind him with one hand and holding out the other.

Ayao stepped forward, her eyes still cold. "Even for a shaman, this type of spell is forbidden. End this at once, and we will be merciful with your punishment." she said. The cruelty of her words cut Kibaraki like a knife.

"Ayao, my queen, please don't speak to him like this," Hasani said, rushing forward after touching her shoulder. "My friend, what is going on? Come away from there and we can figure this out."

"Father, you can't get too close!" Obatala said.

"Do not tell me what I cannot do, son-,"

"You need to listen instead of being stubborn-,"

The group dissolved into bickering, each fiercely trying to protect their family in their own way. Family...a family they would always include Kibaraki in, but – in his eyes- one he would never truly be a part of.

Unbeknownst to the group, a throaty laugh continued through the darkness. A little closer....almost there....I'll take the king...or an heir.

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