I nodded, feeling more than a little out of my element, but Jennie just laughed at my expression and took my by the hand, leading me upstairs to my bathroom.

"Give me like two seconds to stop looking like monster?" She requested, and when I nodded, she closed the bathroom door behind herself. I stood, blinking at the door, as I heard the sink begin to run. Then I realized I was being awkward and stepped away to head to my room.

I hadn't really altered it in any way, which I hoped was the right decision. It felt cheesy to light candles or put on music.

I hesitated for a moment, glancing back towards the bathroom door, and then crossed to my bed, sitting on it with my hands in my lap. The sink in the bathroom stopped running, and a few seconds later, Jennie emerged and crossed the hall into my bedroom, pausing in my doorway.

We stared at each other for a moment, and she visibly took in a deep breath, then shook her head and let out a soft laugh. "So, i guess we just do this Well, I think once we're making out and everything it should be pretty easy from there."

"Exactly. Totally easy." I joked back, and she smiled, leaning against the door frame with her eyes on me.

"It felt easy the last couple of times, anyway. Last night at my house. Would've been easy to go from there." She paused. "This probably works better when it isn't planned, huh?"

I nodded emphatically. "Yes."

"So...maybe we shouldn't plan it? Sure, your dad isn't here, and this might be like the only time we get a chance to do this anytime soon, but we don't have to."


"I mean, we'll probably want to, but if something feels wrong, we can always wait."

"Ri-....uh." i paused, thinking that one through for a moment. "No." I said instead, eyebrows furrowed.

Jennie looked caught between surprise and uncertainty. "No?"

I shook my head, mentally thanking Haneul for knocking some sense into me yesterday. Jennie wasn't going to be around forever. I wasn't about to stop this because of some slight jitters.

"Mm-mm." I stood abruptly before I could lose my nerve, took Jennie by the hand, and tugged her towards my bed. Then i crawled onto it, turned myself over , and sat down cross-legged, as she stood at the foot of it, watching me.

"So you don't want to wait?" She clarified. "Are you sure?"

"You were the one who said you never wanted to have any regrets," i pointed out. "We don't know what'll happen tomorrow. I don't want to wait."

"That's.....moridly romantic," she decided. "But are you-?"

"Jennie, stop talking." I told her with a laugh, and then reached out to take her hand. She crawled onto the bed and over top of me as i resituated myself to rest my head on my pillow. Then she looked down at me, biting her lips.

"Okay," she sighed out. "I guess I'll come clean. I'm...kind of still a virgin. In a way."

I stared at her, taken aback. "In a way?" I echoed.

Her cheeks turned a little pink as she explained, "I was fifteen, and there was, like, three minutes of fumbling around at a sleepover. I don't think that actually counts."

"That makes me feel so much better," I breathed out, and felt some of the tention dissipate as she hung her head and i chuckled. "Like, a hundred times better."

She raised her head to sigh at me. "But you're still nervous, right?"

I stopped smiling and nodded. "Yeah."

"Good. Because I am, too."

"Okay." I reached up to cup her cheek, chewing on the inside of my cheek for a moment, and then suggested. "Just kiss me?"

"Okay," she echoed, and leaned down to do just that.

And once we'd started kissing, the rest was surprisingly easy. There was an awkward moment where my pants got stuck around my ankles and another when i couldn't unhook Jennie's bra as fast as expected, but that was okay. We laughed it off and it wasn't an issue.

We laughed it off and it wasn't an issue. Sex was hyped as this massive, life-changing experience, but i didn't feel any differently afterward. Just more attached to Jennie, if that was even possible, and maybe a little more prone to let an 'i love you' slip out any day now.

And just more scared to lose her.


Virginity is the best gift you can give to your husband/wife.

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