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What did he mean weird? Weird like... the situation? Me being all red? Generally accidentally kissing? Or was it accidentally kissing me? No... not me, he's not like that. Maybe he's straight, yeah, maybe that was just something that's not in his comfort zone because he doesn't like guys. I mean I totally thought he liked me, but maybe he's just that sort of straight guys that flirt with their "bros" in a "non-gay" way.


Wriothesley finally gets back to class and quietly sits. It's weird because he's not usually quiet, so he either fucked (Y/N) or fucked up. Knowing him, it was probably not the first option. Then I get a message from (Y/N) with whom I exchanged numbers with earlier.

Did Wriothesley get back to school safe?
Something happened and I'm a bit embarrassed to ask him myself ^^;

Wait, did they actually do it?

Yes, he got back safe

That's great

May I ask what happened?

I'm not sure if it's my place to tell
He'll probably tell you if he's comfortable
I do have a question, I'm not sure if it's
weird, tho

Ask ahead

Does Wriothesley like girls?

I look at Wriothesley. Just how bad did he fuck up for someone to think he's straight.

If he hasn't told you himself I'm not
sure if I should tell you
If you want to know you can always
look at his rings

Alright, thanks.

The bell rings and the teacher leaves. "I... really messed up." "I noticed." "We accidentally kissed." "I don't think that's messing up." "I said that was weird. Who the fuck says that after kissing the person they like? Even if it was an accident, he probably thinks I'm straight now. I hate when people think I'm straight. Specially because it's him! He probably thinks I'm one of those "it's not gay to kiss the bros as long as you don't hold hands" straight guys." I pat his back. "I know! I'll hold his hand that way he will know I'm not one of those guys and that I am being gay with him." "Have you considered just explaining to him that you do like him and you just got nervous?" "I can't! That would mean telling him I like him." "Dude, everyone knows you like him! It's the most obvious thing in the world, and he definitely likes you, too." "He does, doesn't he?" "Yes! So go fix what you did because people do lose interest."


A class passed since I got back which led me back to detention. I scroll through my phone when a figure walks my way and sit on the chair beside me. "Hi." "Hi." Clorinde said to look at his rings, so either he is wearing an ace ring, a queer symbol or has something that signals he's straight. What would that be? I don't know, I'm not straight. Maybe a woman's silhouette or boobs or something like that. But being ace doesn't necessarily mean he's aro. Let's not discard that option, right now either way.

"About earlier." "Don't worry." "(Y/N)." "I mean it is kind of weird to accidentally kiss someone you've seen like three times." He places his hand over mine. I look down at his rings and scan them. I look at his left hand and notice a small symbol on one. λ... lambda. So he is in fact not straight he just doesn't like me. Hah! Jokes on you, mom, I don't like boys because girls don't like me. If it worked like that I'd be aro because boys don't like me either. I move my hand away and he gives me this look. Why do I care so much about other people's feelings? I move my chair away from him, but place my hand beside his with my palm facing up and gently kick his foot. He places his hand over mine and I intertwine our fingers. "(Y/N), I'm not sure if it was clear, but I didn't mean t-" "I already told you, it's fine." "Don't get the wrong idea." "It's fine, it's not like I thought you liked me just because w-" "I do. I know, haha, weird, we've met like four times and I like you. I didn't even need to meet you a second time, I already liked you since the first." "Wriothesley." I whisper trying to get his attention while looking down at the table. "Please let's keep meeting so that I can properly tell you I like you." "Wriothesley." I whisper shout. "(Y/N), I would've loved kissing you voluntaril-" I slap my hand against his mouth.

"Please. Don't. Say. Anything. Else." "Anything else you would like to share with us, Mr. Wriothesley?" He turns to the left and at last notices the teachers standing at our desk. "Shit." "Shit, indeed." I hide my face on my hands. "Aww young love, aren't they just adorable?" The rest of the students at detention laugh. "What are you laughing at, you're a bunch of losers at detention." I comment and they stop laughing. I get a feeling I'm gonna get bullied for the rest of the school year. "I used to be like you guys once, lucky for you. I don't have any appointments with my divorce lawyer this week so you guys can stay two hours more." "That explains a-" I slap my hand against his mouth, yet again. "At least someone here knows their place." "Aw, come on. At this point I should get seniority benefits." "Be happy I'm not moving your little boyfriend to another seat." He shrugs and nods. "Yeah, I guess I'll take that."

We do our homework and write. After a while everyone leaves and we continue writing. "This is so your fault." I whisper and he chuckles. "Sorry." I lean my head on his shoulder. "You're adorable, you know that?" "Shut up." "Make me." "Aww you want me to slap you again?"

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