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I walk around the cafeteria trying to find Wriothesley and the others. "Over here!" I finally find them and walk to the table. "Hi." "Hey!" Wriothesley makes some space for me to sit and I do so. "Did you bring lunch, or do you get it from the cafeteria?" "I usually bring lunch." He nods. We all talk for some time. "Aren't you gonna eat, (Y/N)?" Clorinde asks. "I'm not too hungry today." "That's no good, you should eat." Wriothesley says, but his voice is muffled since he has food in his mouth. I chuckle. "Maybe later." "Oh, I know, maybe you'd like one of Wriothesley's cookies. He baked them yesterday." Wriothesley flinches and shakes his head rapidly. "No, he doesn't. He's not hungry." "I'm sure he'll love them! Right, Neuvillette?" "Maybe." "Yeah, give him some." "I don't mind." "No! Why don't you... try some ham with cheese?" He brings up his fork to my mouth. "But he wants a cookie." "No he doesn't. Shut up." "I'm curious th- mrph!" "Shhh, no you're not." I chew the ham in my mouth and swallow it.

Clorinde smirks and pulls out a transparent tupper. I look at the cookies with a very interesting aspect. "I'm sure they... taste great." Neuvillette shoots me a you can still get out of this look and I gulp. I open the box and pull out a cookie. "You really don't have to eat it." "I'm sure it tastes good." I take a bite and the remaining cookie in my hand has a thick fluid. Please tell me that's a filling and not that he somehow melted the dough. I cover my mouth as I try to eat it. The cookie touches my tongue and my eye twitches from my attempt to not die. I try to dodge my taste buds as I chew it and swallow it. Then it comes back up but I swallow it again which was gross. "I'm sure... you made them with a lot of effort and care." "I told you not to eat it." "Can I... have some of your juice?" "It doesn't have a straw." "Hhhhhhhhh-it's alright." I reach for the carton but freeze as my thigh makes contact with his. I try to discreetly move away but he places his hand on my thighs and pulls me back to him.

At this point I think I should be considered a saint for not falling into temptation. I take the juice and squeeze the box while holding it upside down over my mouth. I successfully get rid of the cookie flavor. "Thanks." "No problem." He removes his hand from my thigh. Then I remember the fact that he probably feels my bone. I move my leg away and as he talks with Clorinde and Neuvillette he moves hand back to my thigh. I blush and either my brain is a potato or all mushy again. Or maybe it's mashed potatoes. The bell rings. "You guys get going, I need to do something first." "Remember the r-" Clorinde covers Neuvillette's mouth and nods. They take their things and leave.

"Did you have breakfast?" "I don't remember." "Then it's been too long since you've eaten. Let's go get you something to eat." "We'll be late." "Then we can see each other again at detention." He winks. "I'm alright, really." "Then how about... we pretend it's a date?" I flush red. "We'll get in trouble." "What sort of dates have you been to?" I turn even redder. "I didn't mean it like that." "Let's go." "Fine." He stand up and takes his things. He leaves them at his locker and then we walk out of the school. "Your house or my house?" "My house is fine." "Alright then. Let's go get something to eat, first." I nod and walk by his side. We go into a supermarket and take a basket. "Why are we going to a house, though?" "Oh, you're gonna thank me in your bed." "WHAT?" He smiles. "I'm kidding." I sigh. "That's clearly a second date activity." "WHAT?" He chuckles. "What sort of person do you think I am? We're gonna watch movies." I sigh. "Wait... I thought this would be something short." "Hehe." We walk into the dairy isle and he opens one of the glass doors and grabs a pack of yogurts.

"Okay, so this is a Tims dairy fat free yogurt. It does have like zero point zero something of fat. We're gonna eat it anyway because who cares. It's just you and I." I think my brain got mushy again. Not like usually, I think I might cry. "What else are we getting?" He asks grinning and I hug him. He places the yogurt on the basket and moves his hands to my thighs and picks me up. "Holy!" He chuckles and I wrap my arms around him. "Okay, now that you're here with me, what else shall we get?" I hum. "Maybe... it may sound stupid, but can we get Mother's cookies?" "Mmm the animal one's?" I nod, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Cute." He mumbles and I blush. He lifts my thigh up slightly and I interpret it as a sign to wrap my legs around him. I do so and he smiles. "Where would the cookies be?" "I don't know." "Mmm do we ask or do we look for them ourselves?" "Either is f-" I cut myself off and my eyes widen as I feel his arms around my back pull my torso closer to him. "Alright. Let's begin looking."

After finding the cookies, he decided he also wanted some weird bread thingy. It was like a cake-pop but instead of chocolate it had frosting and it didn't have a stick, but it wasn't simply cake. We also got drinks and now we are paying, or maybe arguing. "I'm paying." "It's my food." "It's our food and I'm paying." "It's literally just cookies and yogurt, let me pay." "No!" "Yes." "No." My phone rings. I take it out and sit in front of the paying thingy. I answer the call.

"Did you steal my ring?" I sigh. "Hi, mom. No I didn't." "Ugh you little liar... what's that sound in the background? Are you at the supermarket?" "Uhm... yes." "You just never stop eating, do you? That's why you're so ugly, no wonder you turned out a fag, a girl would never date you." "I just came with a friend." "Ha! What a joke, you're such a liar. Who would want to be friends with you? Ugh anyway I'm busy, give me back my ring when I get back." She hangs up. I look the food and immediately feel sick. "I'm not hungry anymore." I stand up. "Well I don't care." "I'm not feeling well." "Maybe because you haven't eaten." "We should just meet up some other time." "No." He holds my hand and speed walks to the exit.

"Did you pay for that?" I ask pointing at the bag. He walks silently out the door. "No, so run fast." He takes off running, pulling me with him. I look at him in shock until I notice the receipt in his pocket. I smile and run with him. After running a few blocks he stops. "Where's your house?" "It's in that direction." I walk towards my house with him walking by my side. Once we arrive and go inside I head to the kitchen and grab a spoon for him. I go back and he picks me up bridal style. "Where's your room?" "Upstairs to the left." He carries me into my room and sets be down on the bed. "So, what shall we eat first?" "I said I'm not hungry." "And I said I don't care." I bite my cheek and think how to reply. "Can I sit on your bed?" I nod and he sit in front of me with his legs crossed.

He opens the yogurt and takes some with the spoon. He places the spoon against my lips while I just stare at him. "Let's play a game." "What game?" "Either you eat the yogurt or you have to do one thing I ask." "Has anyone told you you're really pushy?" "Mmm... no!" "Then you should know you are really pushy." He nods slowly. "I'm also really stubborn, so if I were you I'd eat the yogurt. Unless you want to miss your classes." He taps my lower lip with the spoon and I turn away. I feel some yogurt stick on my cheek. He chuckles and wipes the yogurt with his thumb and licks it. "Tell me who called you." "My mom." He eats the yogurt from the spoon and takes more. He places it against my mouth again. "Are you gonna eat it?" "No." "How did your cheek get bruised?" "I fell." "New rule, you can't lie." I clench my jaw. "How did your cheek get bruised?" "I fell." "Fine, change of question, did your mom have something to do with it?" "I fell." "It's yes or no." "I fell." "Yes or no?" I open my mouth and eat the yogurt.

"I don't like this game. If I eat it which is what you want I do what you want and if I don't I also have to do what you want." He chuckles. "Fine, then let's change the rules. For every spoonful you take I do whatever you want." "Fine, then... I can't think of anything." "Well, while you think, how about you try this drink?" He brings a can to my lips and I move back. "That looks radioactive." "It's good." He leans forward and presses the can against my lips. I lean back and suddenly he falls on top of me. He tries to move the can away so it doesn't hit my lips, but our lips end up smashing against each other. This is such a movie-like situation. I think my heart will beat out of my chest. He quickly sits up. "Well, that was weird. We should go back to school. I'll get going." "Wriothesley." "We'll be late."

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