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Poisonous fog?

As if Akutagawa's life wasn't worse than it already is. He couldn't go on without coughing sometimes, and now, he is exposed to this.

What a joy it is.


He grabbed a part of his long, black cloak and held it over his mouth in a futile effort to get rid of the foul fog that was currently consuming his lungs from every direction.

He only had a few cuts here and there, which got to him even as he used the skills he seemed to have.

He could see more clearly, but the world around him had started to go blurry and unfocused the moment he stepped onto the street. Into the fog, that is.

He was with the group, without Kim Dokja, who was probably dead.

That was to be expected, then.

They stepped into the second scenario, it just happened, like the weather had decided to rain today. The clouds were covered up by grayness, as expected.

As soon as he stepped foot into the fog even before with Yoo Sangah and the others, everything became so heavy that all the colors drained out of the world, leaving behind an eerie atmosphere.

Akutagawa coughed silently into his cloak, making his throat burn and his lungs burn.

"A-Akutagawa-ssi! We are near Gumho station!" Yoo Sangah says as she also has something on her face to prevent her from breathing in the fog.

Akutagawa nods and continues to follow her as they all run.

Kim Namwoon was following behind him, and Akutagawa could somewhat feel his gaze from behind.

Is he looking at him due to the fact he was coughing earlier?

No, it doesn't matter.

{The Constellation 'Opposing twin forces' wants you to arrive at Gumho Station for some action]

'Impatient constellations, tch.' Akutagawa thought as he shook his head.


They finally arrived at Gumho station.

Lee Hyunsung was standing near the group, as Akutagawa removed the cloak that was in his face swiftly. The boy, Lee Gilyoung, was near Lee Hyunsung. Yoo Sangah was near him, beside him, while the weak bastard Han Myungoh was slightly away from them.

He was just an obstacle, in Akutagawa's opinion.

He shouldn't have survived the first at all.

He was weak and couldn't even adjust to a ruined world properly. Meanwhile, everyone is trying, but this man doesn't seem to even try.

It wouldn't be much of a tragedy if he died right there.

Not that Akutagawa cares for anyone here, somewhat.

Of course, his problems don't help at all. His own life is already fucked beyond repair, but he blames himself for being born anyhow.

Maybe, if he was better, Dazai-san would take him as his student again.

Maybe, he would be proud of Akutagawa.

Maybe, Jinko wouldn't have gotten into the picture.

He can't change anything now. Not when he is in another world because he got struck by an ability user. Just the thought of it makes his blood boil, at how weak he seemed to be to get wrapped into this.

"Akutagawa-nim, are you alright?" A voice from behind him asked, and it was Kim Namwoon. The voice seemed to hold concern and worry, which made Akutagawa frown. He didn't want any sympathy at all, after all.

"I'm fine." He answered, looking down at the wound Kim Namwoon had on his hand. A thug on the way struck him, and it seemed to have injured him.

"Ask someone to treat you. Your hand is injured." Akutagawa sighed. "If you are so worried about me, you should be worrying more about yourself."

He did not deserve sympathy or empathy at all anyway.

Not from anybody. Especially from a stranger.

Namwoon didn't say anything. And neither did he turn away.

"Yoo Sangah." Akutagawa looked beside him at Yoo Sangah with a neutral expression, "Is there any bandages near?"

Yoo Sangah looked at him for a moment, then looked around and gave him a 5x5 bandage roll.

"I found this, coincidentally." Yoo Sangah said as Akutagawa took the roll. Kim Namwoon looked towards Akutagawa, and when Akutagawa stared back, Akutagawa simply gave him the roll.

"Use that and find a cloth or something. Preferably ripped." Akutagawa stated, then went to silently converse with the others.

There were more than enough cloth that were ripped, so Kim Namwoon could easily find and pick one up.


Sorry for the short chapter. I am ill and have a fever. My bones hurt (Especially my femur and fibula and tibia :(), my throat hurts just like how Kenjaku felt with Jin Itadori (JUST KIDDING JUST KIDDING JUST KIDDING still hurts tho) and my temperature is 38.3 Celcius or uhhm 101 Fahrenheit?? I don't use Fahrenheit I don't know this.

Explaining the abilities and skills Akutagawa has for no reason as I will forget anyway.:

Constellation! : Opposing Twin Forces (Leader skill name for 0509 Card in Bungo tales)
OTF is a generous constellation who are a set of inverted twins. One reduces the damage an enemy (or considered enemy) deals to the incarnation, and the other buffs them (For example, when in battle, the strength goes from (example) lvl.1 to lvl.5. So about 4-5 levels.

Private Attributes: Rashomon. It's rashomon.
Deadly kiss (rare)// A attribute unlocked by having the constellation OTF as a sponsor. It is quite unknown, but it can be explained as an instant death and perhaps even something similar to Corruption? We will never know.

Exclusive Skills: Donning the Dark Beast is a skill in which, when used, gives the user a beastly appearance. It increases the fear of the others around, and gives the user more of a stealthy approach to attack or run away.

Physical fighting is simply a skill which would increase the users physical strength, no matter how weak the person is.

Illusionist to death is a skill which practically clones the user and makes the atmosphere around reek of death to whoever is the skill user on. Like Tanizaki's for example really. (I have no ideas)

The peace of death is a skill which, long-range, boosts the user and everyone who he considers allies itself. It lasts for around 6 minutes, but whoever much stronger the user gets, the lasting increases.

(About 716 words here)

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