“Oh my god, Daniel!”, Nowa said.

His condition is worse. He looks like he just got hit by a bus or something.

“Karn, where’s the help? Why haven't they arrived yet? Are you kidding me?!”, Amber asked.

“They said they’re on their way. And I know nothing else!”

“How can you say that?! You’re the leader of this mission!”

“Yes, I’m the leader but I’m not Admiral Mika to instruct  everyone!”

“Guys, enough. Daus is still unconscious and Daniel, well you can see it by yourselves. Why don’t you help me patch him up?”, Sofea said as she didn’t want them to argue even more. 

Even though Amber still had something else to say, she kept it inside and went to help Sofea. Nowa will also be helping Daniel. Meanwhile, Shaf, Radz and Akma are trying to wake Daus up.

“Daniel, can you hear me?”, Sofea asked.

She notices that his ears are bleeding. Might be from the Sirens' scream. His earpiece is not with him anymore. His body is full of bruises and Sofea could feel like his right arm is broken. His chest is rapidly moving. His eyes were blinking but he didn’t respond to whatever Sofea said.

“I’m not an expert but he broke his arm. I think we should set a camp somewhere around the river so that I can clean his wounds,” Sofea said.


They move on to one area closer to the river. After making sure that the undead is not around, they set up a temporary camp. Sofea quickly cleans his wounds and makes a sling for his broken hand.

“Help me to sit him up for a while. I need to check his back also,” Sofea said.

Allan brings him up, making him lean to his body, with his head on his shoulder.

“Woah, this is worse than I've ever seen. I’m surprised that he managed to hold on,” Sofea said after seeing his wrecked body.  

“It’s that bad?”, Amber asked.

“Imagine getting hit by something hard a few times. I don’t think you can survive that.”

“Yeah, did you need my help?”

“In each of our bags, have this cream. Can I have yours? It’s good for wounds and I already used mine before. I need it for him,” Sofea said.

“Sure,” Amber searched inside her bag before finding the cream.

“Thank you.”

“Daus, can you hear me?”, Radz said.

Shaf shakes his body a few times before splashing some water right on his face. His face shows some reaction before his eyes are opened.

“Thank god,” Karn said.

“Ssss,” Daus hisses while holding his stomach.

“Can I see?”, Shaf asked.

He nodded. 

“It’s just some bruises. You got kicked away by the Siren after all,” Shaf said.

“Is everything okay after I am gone?”, he asked.

“Well, it is okay now so no worries. Lay down first. I will help you with that,” Akma replied.

Radz moved to the other group. She needs some cold packs for the bruises.

“Did you have any ice packs?”, Radz asked.

“We don’t. Just wipe it clean, put some cream and cover it up with a bandage,” Sofea said.

“Okay. Erm, did he do okay?”, she asked.

“As you can see. He’s alive at least,” Nowa said.

“Daus has woken up,” she reported.

“Thank god!”, Amber said.

“Nothing bad about him. Just some bruises.”

“That’s more than enough. Thank you,” Sofea said.

Radz went away again to Daus, Shaf, Akma and Karn. She helps Karn to put some cream on Daus before wrapping his body with bandages. 

“Are you okay?”, Allan asked Daniel, who was still leaning on him.

Daniel still didn’t respond to him. 

“Are you in pain anywhere else?”

“I think he’s in shock. Maybe that’s why he isn’t responding. Let’s give him a bit of time just for him to process everything,” Sofea said.

“Okay,” Allan tightens his grip on Daniel’s hand.

They’re all now taking some rest. How can they go to Semenyih or head back to Kajang like this? They’re frustrated now. They lost their friends before and of course, they don’t want to lose anyone anymore. Enough is enough. Daniel almost died from the sudden attack.

“Still nothing?”, Amber asked.


“Did they do fine inside the camp?”, Nowa asked.

“With that kind of protection, nothing should be happening,” Daus said.

“Don’t overthink it. I think it's just network trouble. We’re in an apocalypse after all,” Shaf said.

“Wow, it’s rare to see you this brilliant,” Radz replied.

“Shut up!”

Suddenly, someone’s calling Karn.

“Hello? Hello! Can you hear me?”, Karn said.

“Yes! We need help! With this situation, we can’t go to Semenyih! We need to get back!”

“Ten minutes? Okay! We got one person badly injured. Please bring along the medic team!”

Everyone is waiting for the good news. They hope that they can just go back and don't need to come back here.

“What did they say?”, Allan asked.

“They’ll be here in ten minutes. Get prepared. The medics also will tag along.”

They packed their stuff back. Ten minutes seems like a short time but for them, it’s long enough. Anything could happen to them again. 

“I’ll be taking his bag. You just help him up,” Nowa said with Daniel’s bag in her head.

“Thank you.”

Allan helped him to get up. As soon as Daniel got up, he groaned in pain. Allan put him down again.

“You can’t walk? Hope on my back,” Allan said.

“It’s fine. Once the medic team is here, I’ll ask them to bring the stretcher to get him,” Karn said.



A/N: Not sure if they can be safe tho 💜

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